Avoid 9 kinds of people


You have to protect 9 kinds of people. Companionship affects a person's personality. And after a while, your personality fades under the shadow of the people you associate with. I would like to present here the meaning of a beautiful hadith of the Holy prophet in the service of you people. "If a person sits with good people, he will become good, and if he sits with bad people, he will become bad.''

Lazy people

The first type is lazy people. If you spend time with lazy people. So after a while you too will become like them. So you have to avoid them. We start fighting instead of escaping. Remember you don't have to fight, you have to escape


The second type is Leech / Parasite. If anyone has studied biology, they will know which parasite feeds on which animal. So such people suck your energy and reduce your strength, power and energy.

The Manipulators

The third type is "The Manipulators". These people manipulate you. Misguide and try to get out of the way. They are also considered hypocrites, duplicitous and double-minded. Say

 jealous People 

The fourth type of people are jealous and hateful. These people know God for us. And we don't even know we've spoiled them. And finally, we have seized from them such an invaluable or precious thing. They keep us away from Allah.

The Victims

The fifth type of people are "The Victims". These people always try to show themselves to be very oppressed. And they keep on trying to show that there is no one in this world who is more oppressed than them. And the only thing they want is to get people's attention and sympathy.

 Selfish People

These people live only for their own sake and for their own purpose. They have no interest in other people or worry about their motives. They themselves are number one, number two and number three in their priorities. These people are thieves intoxicated with their ego and arrogance that they consider themselves superior and superior and other people inferior or inferior. So we should also dilute our relationship with these people.

Liar People

The seventh type of people are liars. We must protect ourselves from these people. Because Allah says, "My curse is on the liars." From my point of view, there can be no greater thing than depriving a human being of the veil of His mercy. Peace and tranquility are taken away from the life of a liar. And his life is full of worries and difficulties. Because he is always in danger that his secret will not be revealed.

Rude & Immoral people

The eighth type is bad tempered, immoral, rude, irritable and rude people. They do not value their dignity. That is why they do not respect other people. Because a person who loves and cherishes his honor also respects other people. Blessed is the saying of  Holy prophet "The best person among you is the one who has high morals." So we have to save ourselves from the company of these people.

Sinful and infamous people

The ninth and last type of people are sinners and infamous. These are the people who are famous and notorious. Allah Almighty covers some people. And the people do not know their sins.If a sinful person, for example, a drunkard, an adulterer, a gambler, a haraam eater or commits any other sin, is emitting rays thousands of miles away. It is a special grace of my Lord that He covers over His servants.

One thing to always keep in mind is that he who does not have to reach somewhere does not allow others to reach anywhere. Therefore, if you want to reach your destination, you have to protect yourself from such people and avoid their company.

A Blog and Content writer

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