Heart in islamic way




Heart in islamic way

Heart in human body is creature by Allah. Word Qalb is used in Holy Quran more than 130 times. Prophets who have researched the human body, poets, writers, Sufis and even the highest human beings have given special teachings regarding the heart. Apparently, 

Hazrat Sultan bahoo says

دل دریا سمندروں ڈونگے
کون دلاں دیاں جانے ھو

9 Ways To Purify Your Heart

Offer the Prayers 5 times daily 
  1. Read the Holy Quran with Understanding
  2. Recite the “dearest phrases to Allah”
  3. Call on Allah by His blessed Names
  4. Seek Allah's forgiveness by saying “Astaghfirullah”
  5. Make dua to Allah for all of your needs

  6. Send Drood (peace and blessings) upon the Prophet

  7. Think Positive Thoughts About Allah

  8. Express gratitude to Allah for His blessings upon you .        

  9. Meditating on the Qur'an and Sunnah, it is clear that the reality of the heart is not just a piece of flesh, but the heart is the center of emotions, feelings and its various forms. It is both hard and soft. In the state of softness it has the capacity to accept the truth and in the state of hardness it does not accept any effect. Hardness of heart is an undesirable condition about which Allah has said

  10. ان لوگوں کے لیے بڑی خرابی ہے جن کے دل اللہ کی یاد کے لیے سخت ہوگئے ہیں 

  11. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described the accuracy of the heart as the orbit of the accuracy and counseling of the whole body and the heart defect as the cause of the defect of the whole body. The body stays healthy and when it deteriorates, the whole body deteriorates. Be aware that it is the heart.Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) says that (one day) the Holy Prophet was asked which man is better? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied, “Everyone who is truthful in heart and tongue.”


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