Pakistan is our home


The land of Pakistan is our home and it has come to us from the Almighty. We love our homeland only by adopting the Sunnah of Banu. Just as a house is built by having brothers, so our house is built on Pakistan, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khebar Pakhtunkhwa, Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan. He has been given the authority to introduce the system on the surface of the earth. Muslims need a center on earth to implement this system. Then, first of all, a plan of action is prepared for the construction and development of this center. So that it can be started from this piece of land and its system is prevalent there. The Muslims then devise a plan of action to implement the AU system on every part of the earth outside of this center. Then they move slowly to act on it. Pakistan is the center of Muslims in this part of the world. The Pak system will be prevalent from here and then it will gradually spread all over the world. Insha'Allah

The blow to the economy of Pakistan and the state of Corona. In this context, Pakistan is significantly improving its position. Moody's is the world's leading trading firm. Which is affiliated with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Its duty is to monitor the banking system of the world and this institution publishes reports from time to time from time to time. In which a report based on the rate of each country is presented.

At the moment, Moody's is publishing a report based on the Pakistani economy, giving the good news that the Pakistani economy is moving towards improvement. Despite Pakistan's growth rate, the worst effects of the Corona virus, which proved to be a catastrophe for the global economy, could take a long time for many countries to get back on track, according to the World Bank Rating. On the other hand, while publishing the report of Pakistan, it has been said that despite the first and second wave of corona virus, the growth rate of Pakistan ie economic growth will be 1.5% this year while it will increase to 4.4% next year. As international experts are saying welcome to Pakistan. According to the growth rate after 5, 4 years in the near future, experts believe that Pakistan will soon make its mark in the global market and will pay off its debts and lead the people of Pakistan towards prosperity. As everyone knows, the jammed power looms of the textile industry, which had been closed for years, made the industries aware of the shortage of labor as soon as they started. So they had to call their old workers, engineers, again. While the scourge of overseas orders is such that industrial owners say that we cannot

provide numbers for months, the reason is the lack of orders and the sudden demand for product material. He has full faith in the fact that the present time is indeed difficult and a great challenge for the poor. But as soon as the Pakistani economy stabilizes, it will continue to flow. So, insha'Allah, along with the reduction of Pakistan's external debt, inflation will also come down and the poor will begin to breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, we have to reform the corrupt system in Pakistan. We see in society that the majority of our people are worried that our rulers are corrupt. Politicians are liberals. Are selfish There is no justice in our courts and so on. This means that no national institution is free from lies and corruption. Have we ever considered the reasons for all this? There will be many reasons. But one of the main reasons is our distance from the teachings of Islam and the lack of fear of God. The Islamist, patriotic, fearful, sincere class of our society is confined to itself or to great advice. However, in the present era, the country practically needs this class to equip itself with worldly knowledge and go to the national institutions with its sincerity and competence. They have left this field empty and paved the way for the liberal class, the tool of religion and the enemy. Therefore, in order to save our country and enforce Islamic laws in this country which was acquired in the name of Islam, our patriotic and religious young generation must come forward in the field of secular education.

Our people are very talented. But they are frustrated with the current system and corruption. We have to end this frustration. We have to move forward with a new hope and dedication and make Pakistan a real Pakistan by ridding it of corruption and dishonesty. May Pak be our supporter and helper. Amen


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