Simple Steps to Stop Negative Thoughts

 Simple Steps to Stop Negative Thoughts

Man has to work hard to keep the good thoughts and ideas in his mind. But negative and negative thoughts arise spontaneously all the time which cannot be stopped. Research shows that a person talks to himself more than fifty thousand times every day and most of them are self-talk and psychological. Eighty percent of them are negative, according to researchers. For example, I shouldn't have said that. They don't like me I can't do this. I'm not in good shape. I'm not as tall as the others My mind is weak I can't be fixed I'm always lying in everything My luck is bad and so on and so forth.

When these negative thoughts overwhelm a person, he goes into depression. First of all you have to admit that negative thoughts are natural and we just need to control them. Negative thoughts are caused by three factors.

     Reasons of negative thoughts

the environment. Your home, school, college, seminary and workplace play a huge role in shaping your thinking. Your religious and cultural background, and the media such as television, newspapers, magazines, radio and movies make or break your personality.

Education. The night and day education you are given has an effect on your thinking, thinking and life.

3. Experiences. As your personal experience is with any person or nation or thing, so your thinking and thinking is formed. For example, when you have a quarrel with a person, the image you form in your mind towards that person is negative.

Simple Steps to Stop Negative Thoughts

If you want to achieve any goal in life and achieve success, it is very important that you not only control your negative thoughts but also try your best to control their means.

 change your mind 

Try to change your mind first, everything has its positives and negatives. You always try to be positive. It is human nature to look for faults only, so you should try to find positive things in every event or accident and try to look at it in a positive way.

 Stay away from negative people

The second is to try to stay away from negative people as much as possible. You will have many friends, acquaintances and relatives who will only talk negatively. If the relationship with them cannot be broken, then at least they can be limited to the extent that they have the least effect on you. The job of such people is just to find fault. They will find fault with everything and you will find such people everywhere. These people are the victims of complaints, they only see darkness. They cannot tolerate the joys of others. They see only evil in their teachers, other hardworking students, curriculum, teaching methods and management. They always cry over the past, make fun of the present and worry about the future. If you want to be a teacher and a researcher, they will say what will fill your stomach with such a meager salary. If you plan to become a professor or lecturer, they will say that government vacancies do not come out. So at least give up this dream. If you dream of a doctor, he will argue that you do not know science, you have not studied biology. So stop dreaming during the day. The idea is that such negative people will continue to affect your mind and brain and will hinder your progress. You can't focus on your work as long as there are people around you. Make a list of such negative people and remove their names from your list one by one so that they are on the path to your growth and success. Don't be a hindrance.

 Distance yourself from the media 

The third is to try to distance yourself from the media and especially social media. Eighty percent of the media today only shows negative things. It is estimated that a child in the United States has spent 20,000 hours on television by the time he or she completes high school. In the meantime, he has seen 15,000 homicides and 100,000 drug-related commercials. On television, alcohol is portrayed as an art, smoking as a dignity, and drugs as a good habit. The bottom line is that crime rates don't seem to stop. So if you want to focus on one of your goals, you have to avoid the negative effects of the media, because the media also affects your practical ability. You kill someone. If you look at the image or video of the image will be circulating in your mind for several hours, so reduce the use of media or not at all.

 Avoid discussion and debate

The fourth is to avoid discussion and debate. This disease is common among the common people. Most people seem to be fighting for no reason. Sometimes there are hours of debates between political parties and sometimes between sects and religions. Hanafi and Shafi'i, Shia and Sunni, Ahl-e-Hadeeth and Jamaat-e-Islami, Tablighi Jamaat and many other insignificant issues, most of the people heat up the discussion and debate and the result is nothing but a waste of time and energy. The difference between discussion and debate is that there is an exchange of information and information which is useful for both parties, but on the contrary, in discussion and debate, each party tries unsuccessfully to subdue the other. In the end, the relationship gets worse. So if you want to be successful, stop participating in discussion forums today.

To succeed in any field or to achieve any goal you need to completely avoid negative thoughts and negative people.


A Blog and Content writer


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