There is no better friend than a book

 There is no better friend than a book

It is an indisputable fact that no one can be more sympathetic, sympathetic and loyal than the book. All the qualities we want in a best friend are only in the book. Friends change in different periods of the borrowed life, but study is our faithful companion who continues to grieve and sympathize with us in childhood, youth and old age alike. The book is like the fading shadows in the scorching sun of sorrows. The book shines in the darkness. The book is a ray of hope in despair. The book is a smooth path through the thorny valleys of modern times. The book is the best guide in the maze of life. The book is exhilarating. The book itself is revolutionary. The journey from darkness to light, from despair to hope, from superstition to ethics and from futility to creation can only be possible through the book.

The human body needs food and spiritual training to survive.Man's connection with the book is as old as man's consciousness and awareness. According to an estimate, only 19% of people in Pakistan are book lovers while 73% are ignorant of books. Everyone from the government to the common man is responsible for this dying trend of reading books. In our society, the book was not promoted as it should have been. The book has never been a priority of our government. Other countries have libraries to promote book culture. Book shelves are made. The love of books is instilled in us from childhood, while we have dozens of uninhabited libraries. The government either does not release funds and even if it does, it becomes a source of corruption. Just as book culture has not been promoted, so too our education system does not teach love of books. Instead of emphasizing the importance of books, students are taught that the goal is to get a degree just for the job. By promoting the RTA system, students have been made mere numbering machines. The reader is not created in a way that encourages him to read books. On a personal level, he is financially entangled in such a way that the book is no longer his priority. At the government level, publishers are also not sponsored by the government, which makes it difficult to print and buy books.

Steps must be taken at every level to inculcate the love of reading in the younger generation so that individual attitudes can be changed. On the occasion of World Book Day, book reading events should be organized in educational institutions to highlight the importance of book reading among students. Parents can play an important role in children's book-loving by instilling in their children an interest in reading from an early age, giving them good and useful books as gifts and taking them to the library in their spare time. In this regard, the role of the teacher is extremely important. Teachers can give students a single topic of the book to read to arouse their interest in reading books. Even if the education system is taken out of the RTA system and brought towards research and creativity, there can be a tendency among the youth to read books. Libraries should be set up at the government level to promote book reading and they should have government patronage. Even today, if the culture of reading books is introduced in the society, deserted libraries are re-populated and good literature is created, then the relationship between the reader and the book can be re-established.


A Blog and Content writer


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