Three Islamic thinkers

 Three Islamic thinkers

There are 3 personalities among the Islamic thinkers who have written so well that people are still amazed. Among them Sheikh Akbar, Hazrat Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Arabi, Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi and Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri are at the top of the list.

 Sheikh Akbar Hazrat Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Arabi

Sheikh Akbar Hazrat Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Arabi
was a unique writer, traveler and distinguished spiritual figure. He wrote huge books. His only book, Conquests of Mecca, had about 15,000 pages. It is possible that you will write more than 100 pages in a day. Sheikh Akbar, Hazrat Mohi-ud-Din Ibn Arabi, Hazrat Imam Ahmad Reza Khan Barelvi and Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri have written unforgettable books on various Islamic sciences, theology, hadith, commentary, jurisprudence, mathematics, Urdu poetry, mysticism, science, philosophy, theology and astronomy. Ibn Arabi is not the name of an ordinary person. He is a  genius and great philosopher, thinker and researcher of 12th century. Shaykh Akbar Ibn Arabi is one of the leading intellectuals, thinkers, philosophers and Sufis of the Islamic world. Ibn Arabi, the author of about 800 books, has been given the title of "Shaykh-ul-Akbar" by the Sufis and to this day no one else has been able to get this title. Al is not added to your name because a century before you, Qazi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi, a disciple of Imam al-Ghazali, a scholar named Ibn al-Arabi, was famous in Seville, Spain. In order to distinguish between the two personalities, they are written as Ibn al-Arabi and you as Ibn Arabi. Ibn al-Arabi wrote to you only with your title Mohi-ud-Din. The full name of Ibn Arabi is Shaykh Akbar Mohi-ud-Din Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Ibn Arabi Al-Andalusi Al-Hatami Al-Ta'i. He was a descendant of Hatim Tai who is still famous for his generosity not only in Arabia but all over the world. Bani Ta'i was a tribe, Hatim was a chief of this tribe whose door was never empty. Hospitality is very popular among Arabs anyway. The Arabs carried these traditions with them wherever they went. One of Hatim Tai's descendants, a Sufi monk, came to live in Andalusia. Ibn Arabi's grandfather Muhammad was one of the judges and eminent scholars of Andalusia. Ibn Arabi's father Ali ibn Muhammad was one of the Imams of Fiqh and Hadith and one of the elders of Zuhd and Sufism. The mother belonged to Ansar. Ibn Arabi's uncles Sheikh Yahya bin Yaghan and Abu Muslim al-Khulani were a famous Wali of Damascus. In the book Manaqib-e-Ghousia, Shaykh Muhammad Sadiq Shaybani Qadri writes that Ibn Arabi's father Ali ibn Muhammad was childless. He even turned fifty. He came to the service of Hazrat Ghaus Azam and prayed that Allah Almighty grant me children. Hazrat Sheikh Mohi-ud-Din Abdul Qadir Jilani prayed to him then closed his eyes for a while and then went to meditate. Then he smiled and instructed his father. This child will surely get great and high status. Ibn Arabi was born on the 17th of Ramadan, 560 AH (according to 1165 AH) in Mursiya, a city in Andalusia, Spain. At the time of your birth, Andalusia was in a state of civil war and there was no stable government. Ibn Arabi's father belonged to the court of Muhammad ibn Sa'id al-Marznish, a Spanish-born ruler of Mursiya. Ibn Arabi was only eight years old when his family had to emigrate as a result of the capture of Mursiya by the Allies. Your father took refuge in Lisbon (now Lisbon, the capital of Portugal). However, he was soon offered an honorable position at the court of Emir Abu Yaqub Yusuf of Seville, and he moved with his family to Seville, where Ibn Arabi was educated and trained like a normal child and stepped on the threshold of youth. During the Seljuk Empire, Ibn Arabi was very supportive of Sultan Allauddin and Ertugrul Ghazi, the father of Carolus Usman, the founder of the Ottoman Caliphate, and in this regard Ibn Arabi guided him in dreams. Had it not been for the intensity, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi would have been the Imam Abu Hanifa of his time. He was born in the twentieth century AD He is the author of books in which his famous translation of the Holy Quran Kunzalaiman, healing Islamic issues and confusions and logical arguments.

Hazrat Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi

Hazrat Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi, Imam of Ahl-e-Sunnat, was an Islamic scholar, jurist, religious scholar, reformer of Ahl-e-Sunnat, Sufi, Urdu poet, and great reformer of fourteenth century in Islam. Ali Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi has written more than 1000 books in which Fatwa Rizviyah (Islamic Decisions on various issues) is a book. It consists of 22000 pages in 30 volumes. From business and war to marriage to daily issues, it is very popular in the Islamic world  Written on mathematics and other sciences, he became the leader of the Sunni movement in South Asia and influenced billions of people. Hazrat Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi was born on June 14, 1856 in Bareilly, North West Province. His father Majid Naqi Ali Khan was also a prominent religious scholar. Mufti Ali bin Hassan Maliki called Ahmad Reza Khan Barelvi an encyclopedia of all religious sciences. 

Dr. Prof. Tahir-ul-Qadri

In the same way, Dr. Prof. Tahir-ul-Qadri is a genius working figure of the Islamic world who has left a deep impression on the Muslim society in the present times. He conveyed Islam to the people in a scientific manner. They can also be called volcanoes. Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri's educational network is spread all over the world.Even today, the number of books written by Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri is more or less close to 700, including thousands of pages of Quranic encyclopedia consisting of several large sections and Islam's peace curriculum against terrorism. His greatness is that he propagated the true spirit of Islam which has helped in eradicating hatred from the society. Even for inter-faith harmony, the services of Dr. Their political and professional ideologies can be disputed, but the fact is that the amount of research they have done on the Qur'an to date is unparalleled.


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