Causes and treatment of Swelling of the feet and heels

Causes and treatment of Swelling of the feet and heels

Pains or swelling in the feet and heels are very common, the causes are just as common, such as unhealthy lifestyle, inadequate or inappropriate diet, lack of physical exercise, excessive weight and increased uric acid. 

In addition, standing or sitting for a long time, over -age, pregnant, specific aisle and weak system blood are also the cause. While walking, inflammation, red grain and irregularity sometimes begin to get out of endurance and you are relieved to look at this problem. Generally, this type of pain is called Planter Facciitis. In which the heel bone covers inflammation in the tissues connecting the bone to the paw, resulting Difficulties arise. If the doctor is consulted at the beginning of this discomfort, the correct diagnosis can be overcome by this problem. Usually in this kind of situation, the affected woman needs more zinc and megnesium dose to fix the defect in the tissues in the soles of the feet. In this regard, you have some safe and household ways, which can help reduce the swelling of your feet and heels.

Massage of feet and heels

Massage of coconut, Tea tree, semi or almond oil gives your swelling heels and feet comfort. In addition, these parts also improve blood duration and help reduce additional pressure. After applying oil on the feet and heels, massage the heel from the toes and massage it. It will be very difficult to do this day at night.

Avoid salt 

Salt abuse affects blood flow in the body and causes it to swell in the feet and heels. Packing foods, cans packs in cans, processed food, sauces, beverages and fast foods will be less. The swelling will be reduced.

Magnesium diets

Magnesium is an integral part of a diet, its deficiency also causes excessive swelling in the feet. That is why it is very important that your diet contain magnesium foods such as green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, seed vegetables, soybeans, aquacado, bananas and dark chocolate.

The water of the alum

Also add salt to the water with other elements in the water placed for the Paddy Coure. Foundation helps reduce swelling and increase blood circulation, which gives you relief in the pears and heels. Take warm water in a tub and mix half a cup of powder in it and place your feet in this water for 20 minutes, then remove it from the water and let it dry. Do this process three days a week.

Vinegar of apple

Apple vinegar contains a large amount of potassium, which improves the flow of liquid in the body. Take clean water in a tub and add apple vinegar to it according to the amount of water. Then soak the cotton towel in it and squeeze the soaked towel around your feet. Relax for 15 to 20 minutes. After that you will find your feet and heels comfortable. In addition, you can also drink two tables of spoon apple vinegar in a glass of warm water so that the body needs to be met twice a day to meet the amount of potassium required by the body.

 Coriander water

The seeds of the corneal are famous for their anti -inflammatory properties. They help reduce swelling and improve blood. To take advantage of this, add two to three teaspoon of coriander powder in a glass of water and boil it. When the water is boiling half of the boiling, examine it and drink the rest of the water. Drinking it twice a day will yield better results.

More advice and caution

Choose shoes and slippers that are comfortable and soft.

Do different exercises to relieve the pain.

 Put your full weight on both feet while walking, just putting weights on the heels or punks cause problems.

Ice cubes can also be skied on the heel to relieve pain.

Roll the same bottle of water or something like that on both feet for a two -to -one.


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