Amazing world of robots

 Amazing world of robots

While living in China all the time, some new developments await you, which can also observe the "China Speed." Social activities and global events are routine. The latest link in this series is the World Robot Conference, which has just concluded after four days. More than 130 world-renowned robot makers from around the world participated in this global activity, and more than 500 robots were displayed while launched more than 30 new robots. The event organized three important events: the forum, expo, and robotic competition. The conference invited more than 300 experts from 15 countries and regions to share the latest educational achievements and development trends in the field of robotics. They discussed New topics such as Advanced Robotics and Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Intelligent Manufacturing, Brian Computer Interface, and Intelligent Man-Machine Machine Talking during this time.

Conference participants saw in a modern world of robots how they were helping humans develop automatic manufacturing, medical care, personal services, and humanoid development.

Meanwhile, the World Robot Conference showed that China is emerging as a leading world superpower in the science and high-tech sectors. Many new "Med in China" robots and their related upgrades are changing society, resulting in a dramatic change in favor of better automatic manufacturing, smart cities, and personal robots.

Robot makers say robots can become our personal friends and even our fellow workers, while these trends are overgrowing in China, as China has strongly supported the development of FiveG across the country, which facilitates high speed and enhances memory storage for Wi-Fi networks. Several Chinese high-tech firms have also pushed for FiveG networks. In this context, the World Robot Conference has been a fantastic opportunity for high-tech companies to introduce new types of robots and showcase their applications to the public and potential users. Meanwhile, the World Robot Championship was also held here. More than 4,000 candidates participated in four separate categories.

Speaking of the growing role of robots in various sectors, new emerging robots are helping save lives in the medical field, factories, assembly lines, logistic services, and mining and construction industries. A significant role is increasing. In addition, the rise of industrial robots in China is also the best period. It is worth mentioning that the production of industrial robots in China reached 3 million 66 thousand units in 2021, with an annual increase ratio of 67.9 The percentage is. China is also rapidly eliminating space with Japan in the field of robotics, which is the world's giant robot-making country. Because of the extensive context, the World Robot Conference in Beijing is the best robotics development in the present era. The Chinese organization is hopeful that they will soon be able to showcase their coins in the world of robotics, advance the country's innovative culture, and further benefit the public from innovation with Chinese properties.


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