History and events of 10th Muharram

                        History and events 

                    of 10th Muharram                                                                                                                                                                           

The history of the universe is a lesson for human beings. In particular, some historical events are a lesson for every human life that cannot be seen only. One of these incidents is the great martyrdom of Imam Hussein (RA) in the field of Karbala.

It is said that ever since Allah created this universe, since then, to the Day of Judgment, There has been a painful and tragic event on which human history also cries. On the one hand, there are traumatic and tragic events of oppression, unfaithfulness and mistrust and genocide that people like us can't imagine nowadays. On the other hand, the Ahl al -Bayt, the lamp of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and a small group of better relatives of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), is an athletic and unlucky event that is found in the history of all humanity. It isn't easy.

After the death of Hazrat Amir al -Ma'awiya, when he vacated the throne, Yazid immediately declared his Caliphate because he had already been appointed as the guardian he also with Imam Hussein (RA) on his hand. He demanded allegiance, but Imam Hussein (RA), regardless of anyone, publicly declared that Yazid was not eligible for the Caliphate, so he could not be made a Caliph Muslim. When Yazid learned of this, he wrote to Medina Walid ibn Utbah that he should force Imam Hussein (RA) to pledge his allegiance. When this letter came to Walid, he was worried about how he should comply with this order. So he called the former Medina Marwan bin Hakim for advice, saying that if Hazrat Imam Hussein pledged allegiance to the hands of Yazid, he would kill him here.

Also, Marwan told Walid in front of the Imam of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that Imam Hussein (RA) is in your hands, so do not forgive them. Will But Walid was a beneficiary man. He opened the way for Syed al-Shahada Hazrat Imam Hussein (RA) regardless of Marwan's talk, and he returned. Marwan blamed Walid that you had wasted the opportunity, but Walid said: "By Allah! I am afraid to kill Imam Hussein (RA), lest he demands his blood on the Day of Resurrection because the blood of Imam Hussein (RA), whose neck will be on the Day of Judgment. Will not be saved. 

As a result, Imam Hussein (RA) took his family and left Madinah to Makkah and went to Makkah and went there and become refugees. When Yazid learned of Walid's forgiveness, he ousted him from Medina. When the people of Kufa realized that Hazarat Imam Hussein (RA) had refused the allegiance of Yazid, some of the gentlemen gathered at the house of Suleman ibn Sardar Khazai. They wrote to Imam Hussein (RA) that we, too, Yazid. You are not ready to pledge allegiance to the hand. You will come to Kufa immediately. We will pledge your hand and remove Hazarat Noman bin Bashir, the rich of Kufa, appointed by Yazid. Two days later, they wrote a letter of the same article to Imam Hussein and sent a few other letters to you, including Yazid's complaints and his support and pledge of allegiance. Apart from this, we should also be sent a few delegations to your service.

Inspired by Hazarat Imam Hussein (RA) with great wisdom, he sent his cousin Hazarat Muslim bin Aqeel to Kufa instead of going to Kufa and wrote this letter to the people of Kufa. Send: "I am sending my cousin Hazarat Muslim bin Aqeel Razi Allah Anhu so that he can review the situation there and inform me of them. If the situation is correct, I will reach Kufa immediately." When Hazarat Muslim ibn Aqeel spent a few days in Kufa, he realized that these people were distracted by the allegiance of Yazid and anxious for the allegiance of Imam Hussein, so they In a few days, eighteen thousand Muslims from Kufa pledged allegiance to Imam Hussein (RA) and invited Hazarat Imam Hussein to come to Kufa.

When the news became known among the people that Imam Hussein (RA) had decided to go to Kufa, no one advised you to go to Kufa, but many of the gentlemen were present in your service. Well and advise you not to go to Kufa and not rely on the promises and allegiances of the people of Iraq and Kufa because there is a great threat to you in going there. So he left Makkah for Kufa due to his God-fearing insight and distant concern.

When Hazrat Imam Hussein (RA) arrived at Nineva, Ibn Ziyad forced Amr ibn Sa'ad from Kufa to give an army of four thousand to confront Hazrat Imam Hussein. When Amr ibn Sa'ad arrived and asked Imam Hussein to come to Kufa, he recited the whole incident and said: "The people of Kufa have invited me to come here. If his opinion changes, I am ready to return to Medina." Amro bin Saad wrote a letter of the same article to Ibn Ziyad that Imam Hussein was ready to return. Ibn Ziyad wrote: "In front of Imam Hussein, it is only a condition that he should pledge allegiance to Yazid! When they do so, then will we consider it? "Imam Hussein (RA) sent a message to Amr ibn Sa'ad:" We should meet with each other's armies tonight so that we can all talk to each other in front of each other. "Accepted this message, and the two armies met each other at night. In the meeting, Imam Hussein had the following three conditions in front of Amr ibn Sa'ad about himself.

They were to go back to where I came from. I should go to Yazid and settle my case with him. Let me reach a border of Muslims, and I will stay in the same situation as they will. Ibn Ziyad refused to accept the three conditions of Imam Hussein (RA).

Shamar Zi al -Jushan reached the front on the ninth date of Muharram and came to the fore with an army, Hazrat Abbas (RA) moved forward and started talking to his opponent, but he declared without respite. When Hazrat Abbas heard the declaration of war, he informed Imam Hussein. He said: "Tell them to postpone the murder tonight to spend tonight in the will, prayer, prayer, and prayers." Shamar Zi al -Jushan and Omar bin Saad consulted with the people, gave them the time to worship that night, and went back. It was the night of Ashura and the morning of Ashura (10 Muharram)

The tenth Muharram came to Imam Hussein with Amr ibn Saad Lashkar on Friday or Saturday, after Fajr prayer. At that time, Imam Hussein (RA) had a good companion yesterday, of which there were thirty-two horses and forty peapods. After that, the archery began, then there was a war of enthusiasm, and most of the companions of Imam Hussein (RA) were martyred.

The enemy's troops had approached you until a man of the tribe of Kinda proceeded to Malik ibn Nasir and attacked the head of Imam Hussein (RA), which left him seriously injured. He called his younger son, Hazrat Abdullah bin Hussein (may Allah have mercy on him) and just sat in his lap when an unlucky man of Banu Assad fired an arrow at him, which he too was martyred. Hazrat Imam Hussein (RA) took the blood of his innocent child in both hands and scattered it on the ground, and prayed to Allah: "O Allah! You have to take revenge on these unfortunate and wrongdoers." Now Imam Hussein's thirst had reached the threshold. He went near the River firat to drink water. 

After that, Shamar Zi al -Jushan took ten men with him and moved toward Imam Hussein (RA), he was thirsty and thieves with wounds, yet he continued to fight boldly. Finally, Imam Hussein (RA) was martyred. 

At the end of the war, the number of victims and martyrs was counted, while the companions of Imam Hussein were martyred. Hazrat Imam Hussein (RA) and his associates were buried a day later by "Ahl -e -Ghazari". 

Climb the head at the tip of your spear

But do not obey the Yazidis

(Maulana Zafar Ali Khan)

The martyrdom of Imam Hussein raised the knowledge of truth and truth. This great event teaches us that falsehood is erased, and the world hears the right to rise against it.


A Blog and Content writer

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