Types & symptoms of hepatitis and its precautions

  Types & symptoms of hepatitis and its precautions

July 28, the purpose of celebrating World Hepatitis Awareness Day around the world on July 28 is to take steps to prevent this dangerous disease and raise awareness among the public. In Pakistan, one in every ten individuals has a hepatitis C disease. There are about one hundred and fifty thousand patients in Punjab alone. According to medical experts, the types of hepatitis A, B, C, and D viruses are taking horrific cases every day. Due to their lack of timely treatment, these diseases become dangerous in liver cancer and liver cirrhosis. - Hepatitis is an inflammatory liver disease born from a viral or harmful infection. There are five types of hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hepatitis A and E are usually born due to contaminated water and poor food. Hepatitis B, C, and D are born in the human body, caused by the transfer of sialic substances, especially from one blood to another. According to medical experts, the disease can transmit from the mother to children at birth. This virus also leads to using the affected patient's toothbrush and the nail cutter of the affected patient if any home causes toothbrush, nail cutter, scissors, or male barber. Avoid the passage because the barber's lords and equipment are not sterilized, and they use a contaminated razor, which causes any dangerous blood disease. At the same time, the significant reasons for hepatitis in women, the role of a beauty parlor, and poor makeup are essential. Used syringes are also the main reason for spreading hepatitis. Hepatitis B causes by sex mixing. But hepatitis B and C have no untouchable disease, so it does not spread by shaking hands, coughing or sneezing, or eating together. Experts say that the hepatitis virus has been devastating in Pakistan, so parents should impose a vaccine vaccinated against the baby's baby after birth. Experts also say that the biggest risk of spreading liver disease is in patients who are unaware of their disease and transmit it to others. If the last stage of hepatitis or the disease exceeds the disease, there is no choice but to transplant or transplantation.

Early symptoms of hepatitis include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, deepening of urine color, yellowing on the white of the eyes, the skin looks on the skin, the feeling of fatigue and decline, and loss of appetite. Yes. If the patient continues treatment after a timely diagnosis, it is possible to have a successful treatment for the disease within a few weeks. According to medical experts, caution is the best way to prevent growing hepatitis in Pakistan, which can prevent yourself from this deadly disease, taking some precautions to avoid this fatal disease. For example, before bleeding, you must test hepatitis. Every time you use a new syringe for injection, no matter how healthy you are, you must have your blood test and full medical checkups for at least a year. So that they overcome all deadly diseases in the early stages. The government is under special programs for the prevention and treatment of hepatitis at the federal and provincial levels. Besides, vaccinating from house to house will prevent the disease in every significant and small hospital and government hospital.

Tips to prevent hepatitis

1- Vaccines: A vaccine for hepatitis A is available and it can help prevent from this deadly disease. The CDC also recommends the vaccine for all healthcare and medical field. Vaccination against hepatitis B can also prevent hepatitis D. There are currently no vaccines for hepatitis C or E.

2Reducing exposure: you should avoid some things such as
local water
raw or undercooked shellfish and oysters
raw fruit and vegetables
not sharing needles
not sharing razors
not using someone else’s toothbrush
not touching spilled blood

I have almost accessible treatment facilities for patients. People suffering from this disease provide them with courier company appliances at home, but government efforts should not consider enough to control hepatitis in public. Also, carefully using health, hygiene, and diet should play an influential role in overcoming the disease.


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