Deep Information about "TETANUS" disease

 Deep Information about 

"TETANUS" disease

We are all familiar with tetanus disease. Tetanus is also called the lockjaw disease. It is a specific bacterial infection. This bacteria is named Clostridium Tetani. Due to this infection, all body muscles get into severe stubbornness. The muscles of all the internal organs, even the heart muscles, fall prey to it. It also affects the moving of jaws muscles, and then muscle stretch spreads to all body organs. Muscle stretching or stubbornness may be so severe that it causes bone fractures. 

The problem of tetanus is found all over the world. This is because the supporters of this bacteria, colosseum tetanus, are found worldwide. Support is a round resistance form in the unacceptable conditions of bacteria. The support feature is that they begin to develop again whenever they find favorable conditions. The tetanus bacteria belong to a group whose development is in places or places where there is no oxygen, so in physical wounds where oxygen is deficient, these germs and their supports are developing very fast. One thing to remember is that tension is always the most likely chance of being in people who have not been vaccinated.

The disease is high in hot, humid areas, and mainly its support is found in fertile soil. Because such land is usually used for animal waste fertilizers, these animals include horses, sheep, cows, buffalo, dogs, cats, rats, pigs, and chickens. Bacteria are found in the intestines of all of them. Besides, these bacteria are also found in the intestines of human beings in agricultural areas. In addition to the intestines, these germs can also be found on the human skin, and these germs can also be present in heroin, especially those who use drugs through injection can be easily prone to it. Occasionally, tooth surgery or fractures, including wounds, may be reported during the operation.

Similarly, animal bites can also transfer the germs of tetanus. Rusting iron goods, especially nail tetanus, can spread because the parts of tetanus quickly accumulate on the rusty surface. If such a nail is touched, it can deliver the spores inside the body, and the disease is infected. But it is a misconception in people's minds that rust is caused by tension. The wound caused by the nail is essential. That is, even if the nail is not rusty, the normal nail can also make a wound on the skin, which can cause germs to enter the wound and cause the disease.


1-Dripping resin

2-profuse sweating


4-Twisting of hands and feet


6-shortness of breath

7-Heart attack

8-Irregular heartbeat

Due to tetanus, all the body muscles are stubborn, but it is usually not stubborn in the muscles of the heart. This is probably the cause of the heart muscles found in the heart. The tetanus bacteria exclude a toxic chemical substance that reaches the brain through the nerve. Under this poison, the brain issues messages to the muscles under which muscles live in a state of stabbing.

If you talk about the symptoms and signs of the tip, the first symbol is to root the jaw. Along with the jaws, all facial muscles are also disturbed, and facial structure becomes specific. After the face, the neck, chest, waist and hips, and leg muscles produce severe stretches as the waist and chest muscles help breathe. Therefore, due to their severe calamity, breathing is tough to breathe, and the continued stagnation of the muscles of different parts of the body causes severe pain. Such a situation is called tetany. Taney causes muscle breaks and fractures in the bones. Additional symptoms include resin dripping, excessive sweating, fever, turmoil of hands, breathing, heart attack, irregular heart rate, and urinary tract outage. This disease is dangerous; despite the best treatment, up to ten percent of deaths occur.

The death rate is very high in non -vaccinated and over sixty years of age. It can usually take up to ten days to enter the body and appear symptoms, while in some cases, the interval is up to seven months. Usually, the wound is far from the brain, longer than the intermittent symptoms; on the other hand, the symptoms of symptoms are related to the site of the wound. That is, the sooner the wound is close to the brain, the sooner the symptoms will appear, and then the sooner the symptoms appear, the more symptoms will be severe. In newborn babies, the symptoms of tetanus may be a fourteenth day to appear after birth, while on average, the duration is seven days.

On a clinical basis, tetanus is divided into four different types. It is found at a rate of about 80 %. The symptoms in this type move from the head to the feet. The jaw shuts down, and the face of the face muscles then swallow it and the neck muscles. Then the chest and leg muscles are involved. Along with this, fever, sweating, increasing blood pressure, increasing heart beat, and intermittent body muscles do not constantly stick but also intermittently. The body becomes a state-of-the-art state. The process lasts four weeks and may take months to recover, but it may also occur in four days. The second type of tetanus is seen in newborns.

It contains symptoms of general tetanus, and it usually happens to children of mothers who have not been vaccinated. In newborns, this is usually caused by analogy infection. It is estimated that about fifteen percent of the deaths of newborns are caused by tetanus, which happens in all developing countries. In developed countries, it is rarely seen. The third type of tetanus is called local or local. It usually contains tetanus in the muscle of the place where the wound and injury are caused. After staying in the local muscles for weeks, it is either recovered or converted into a generic med form. The fourth and last type is called head tetanus, it can only be seen in the muscles of the head, and it is so low that the muscles can be seen and so low that it is normal. Therapists do not recognize it. This may cause head injury, eye injury, tooth extraction, and ear infection. Although this type is found to be less, it is the most dangerous. It is at the risk of knowing up to 30 percent. Vaccinating to prevent tetanus is essential, especially to complete the vaccination course for children and apply young girls to the tension of tetanus before becoming a mother after marriage.

Experts say that shocking shock during sleep is also a common disease. It is a type of nerve tetanus—in 8 out of 10 people. There is also a variety of nerve tetanus. Experts say these shocks during sleep are very short and sudden and often faced in the first stage of sleep. This is the stage when a person is between awakening and deep sleep. At this stage of nausea, the muscles calm down and often takes this shock as a feeling of falling. Also known as slap starts, which occurs without cause and many times also proves a symbol of a disease hidden in the body.+ Some specific elements increase the chances of this experiment, such as stress, too much physical labor or Exercise and specific medicines, etc. - Awareness of such shocks is common in healthy people. Still, it is at risk of increasing fatigue, sleep deprivation, caffeine, or other habits.

Medical experts say that suddenly waking up from sleep is not worrying, but it is often difficult for him to consult a doctor if he is often exposed to sleep. Experts say that when the respiratory tract is closed and oxygen levels are reduced, the brain sends signals that cause any shock in the files. There is no better method to prevent this problem than gold. We can reduce it by sleeping .sleeping in a comfortable environment. Reducing mental stress and less use of caffeine or tea and coffee can also be helpful.


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