Parathyroid Hormone

Parathyroid Hormone

Hormones are chemicals made and discharged in our body organs called Glands. For example, the thyroid hormone controls the chemical reaction (metabolism) in the body, which uses dietary energy properly. Similarly, insulin is a hormone that is made in our pancreas. The work is to control the amount of glucose in the blood. Sleep, appetite, thirst, metabolism and reproduction control all these work hormones.

Parathyroid Hormone (PTT) is a hormone that removes the parathyroid gland. This hormone regulates the blood amount of calcium in the blood. Although most calcium we find in our bones, a small amount of it in blood.

It is essential to have a proper amount of calcium in the blood as it performs many crucial functions in the body, such as better nerve -caring, muscle shrinking, blood clotting and helping the heart function properly.

Do you know about sunshine? It is beneficial because sunlight is an excellent vitamin D. Vitamin is vital to us. After all, it helps to absorb calcium in the body. If you eat calcium diets like milk, etc., this calcium goes into the small intestine, but vitamin D requires drinking the blood from the small intestine. When sunlight falls on our skin, our skin produces vitamin D. The born vitamin D3, an active vitamin, is an unusable vitamin D. To be involved, this vitamin has to be converted to another form of vitamin D in Calcitriol, and it is in the kidneys. But vitamin D is also required to be an active raid hormone as this hormone helps in the manufacture of animals that are essential for making active vitamins, i.e. calcitriol. (urine) reduces emission. And helps absorb into the small intestine.

If the emission of the pathway is excessive, the amount of calcium in the blood increases from the average level. This condition is called hyperparathyroidism to the excessive emissions of the pyrone rid.


This happens when two or more parathyroid glands grow and produce too much PTH.

Some inherited situations, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, can cause hyperparathyroidism.

Although the chances of paragraph cancer are meagre, it can lead to hypertension.

Genetic issues

Some inherited situations, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, can cause hyperparathyroidism.

Para Thyroid Cancer

Although the chances of parathyroid cancer are very low, it can lead to hypertension.

Symptoms of Hyper Parathyroidism

Bone pain, muscle aches, weakness, loss of appetite, frequent urination, depression, constipation, nausea and vomiting, hypertension (high amounts of calcium in the blood) (high amounts of calcium). If you suffer from any condition, consult a doctor. For example, you may be affected by hypertension. If the amount of calcium in the blood reduces to normal levels, this condition is called Haipo Kelsemia. 

The following reasons may be:

Parathyroid Gland Error

The throat or throat gland surgery increases the 75 % chance of the destruction of the river gland.

Low levels of magnesium

Paratha Red Gland (glands) requires magnesium to function correctly. Magnesium deficiency in the body is hypertension (diarrhoea in a small amount of hormone), which is less than normal levels. It happens.

 Genetic reasons:

Hypoparathyroidism is less than 10 % likely to have hypoparathyroidism. 


  • A lump in the neck. Difficulty speaking or swallowing. Muscle weakness. Sudden increase in blood calcium levels (hypercalcemia) Fatigue, drowsiness. Urinating more than usual, which may cause you to be dehydrated and very thirsty. Bone pain and broken bones. Kidney stones.

Perhaps Red Blood Test

Blood tests are conducted to determine the pirate hormone intake in the blood. If I have a PTH hormone amount of 15 to 65 programs, it will mean no need to panic.


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