Top 10 Health Benefits Of Lemons

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Lemons

Lemons and limes need to get the importance they deserve in the nutrition hierarchy. These citrus fruits are mostly an afterthought, at best a spice and, at worst, purely ornamental. But we're here to save lemons and limes from nutritional confusion. These small fruits' juice, skin, and pulp contain enough nutritional benefits to make them a staple in your diet. Now there are the top 10 health benefits of lemons and limes.

Strengthens the immune system:

These two citrus fruits contain vitamin C, a powerful immune booster. You must consume vitamin C because your body does not make it. Vitamin C helps the immune system by attacking the nucleic acid of viral cells and also destroys bacteria. Vitamin C also helps shorten the duration of the common cold.

Helps prevent asthma:

For millennia, people have been drinking lemon juice to prevent and treat asthma. High concentrations of vitamin C and antioxidants are the primary factor in the juice's benefits for asthma. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps a person become more resistant to external factors that trigger an asthma attack. It also helps the lungs to breathe more easily.

Increase iron absorption:

Iron is vital because it helps the blood carry oxygen to the cells and produces energy for normal cell function. The citric acid and vitamin C found in lemons and limes make it easier for your body to absorb non-heme iron, which is the iron in plant-based foods. So next time, squeeze some lemon juice over your next salad, spinach, or grilled veggies!

Helps fight cancer:

Lemon peels contain a high dose of a terpene compound called d-limonene. In laboratory animal studies, d-limonene significantly positively affected cancer cells. Recently, a study conducted by the University of Arizona on a group of 43 women with operable breast cancer, gave 2 grams of limonene per day, showed a 22% reduction in the expression of tumor markers. Another study linked citrus peels to a reduced risk of cancerous skin cells.

Better skin:

Lemons, limes, and oranges contain collagen, a nutrient essential for achieving younger, wrinkle-free skin. Collagen slows down the aging process and tightens the skin. The vitamin C present in citrus also naturally brightens the skin when consumed regularly. Just be careful when applying directly to the skin, as it can permanently lighten the skin and lead to brown spots in direct sunlight.

Reduces the risk of stroke and lowers blood pressure:

 An ingredient in citrus fruits reduces blood pressure in hypertensive rodents. Lemons are an ancient staple of Eastern medicine, prized for keeping blood vessels soft and pliable, lowering blood pressure.

Supports the nervous system:

Lemons and limes are high in potassium, essential for nervous system health. Low blood potassium can cause anxiety and depression. The nervous system also needs sufficient potassium to send sustained signals to the heart.

Highly alkalizing:

Citrus fruits are acidic outside the body. But once fully metabolized, the lemon/lime minerals are dissociated in the bloodstream. This raises the pH of body tissue above 7, making the body more alkaline. We have written an article here on alkalinity's top 10 health benefits.

A powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory:

Lemon and lime juice are proven antibacterial and antiviral. They have solid antiviral properties on the mucous membranes in the nose and throat during illness and strengthen the immune system internally. For centuries, people have used lemon juice to speed recovery from ulcers. In addition, the fruit's anti-inflammatory properties help fight respiratory tract infections, sore throats, and tonsillitis.

Helps relieve constipation:

The citric acid in limes and lemons aids digestion because it interacts with other enzymes and acids that stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and aid digestion. Lemon essential oil is slightly different from lemon juice. It is a much more concentrated version that has long been touted as alternative medicine, mainly used for digestion and constipation. The production of bile that lemon induces can also increase intestinal peristalsis.

You should consult a healthcare practitioner before starting any diet, exercise, or nutritional supplement program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical problem. If you have or think you have a health problem or symptom, consult a qualified medical practitioner.


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