Benefits and effects of Fenugreek

 Benefits and effects of Fenugreek

 Fenugreek is a herb in the same family as soybeans. People use its fresh and dried seeds, leaves, twigs and roots as a spice, flavouring and supplement. Although more research is needed, some studies show that fenugreek may have various health benefits. 

Fenugreek may help reduce the risk of:




4-high cholesterol

5-high blood pressure

6 heart conditions

7-bacterial, fungal and viral infections


However, using or consuming compounds in fenugreek can cause uterine contractions during pregnancy and worsen hormone-sensitive cancers. Fenugreek can also cause mild gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and bloating.

Fenugreek uses

Fenugreek is one of the oldest medicinal plants with roots in traditional Indian and Chinese systems of medicine. Fenugreek extracts are ingredients in many common products, including soaps, cosmetics, teas, garam masala, spice blends, spices, and maple syrup imitation products.

Nutrition of fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek contains many essential nutrients that make it powerful. It contains choline, inositol, biotin, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin D, soluble and insoluble fiber, iron.

Benefits of fenugreek seeds

Humans have used fenugreek in various forms for hundreds or potentially thousands of years to treat a very wide range of conditions, such as:

Reduce your risk of diabetes.

It reduces glucose absorption in the intestine and slows down stomach emptying. Improves insulin sensitivity and effect. It also reduces the concentration of lipid-binding protein.

High-fat diet supplemented with whole fenugreek seeds for 16 weeks had better glucose tolerance than those not supplemented. fenugreek did not improve glucose tolerance in mice with low-fat diets. The authors also concluded that 4 days of voluntary treadmill exercise improved glucose tolerance in all mice more than fenugreek. Overall, the researchers found fewer fenugreek benefits than they expected.

Improve milk production and flow.

Fenugreek is very important in stimulating breast milk production and facilitating flow. It helps the woman with breast milk production.

In 2014 people studied that some women who had recently given birth drank three cups of fenugreek tea daily for 2 weeks and experienced an increase in milk volume in the first few weeks.

Improve weight loss

Fenugreek can suppress appetite and increase feelings of fullness, which could help curb overeating and lead to weight loss.

In a 2015 study, nine overweight Korean participants drank fennel, fenugreek, or a placebo before lunch. Those who drank fenugreek can feel less hungry and more full. However, tea did not cause participants to consume less. Due to its fiber content, fenugreek extract powders can also lead to feelings of fullness.

Increase testosterone and increase sperm count.

Fenugreek can help boost low testosterone and sperm.

In a 2017 study, 50 males took fenugreek seed extract for 12 weeks. Most of the participants had an increased sperm count. The results also suggest that the extract consistently improves mental alertness, mood and libido.

Reduce inflammation

 Fenugreek is very effective in giving us great potential as an anti-inflammatory agent. The high content of antioxidant flavonoids in fenugreek seeds may reduce inflammation, which is a common problem.

Reduce the risk of heart disease and blood pressure

Fenugreek can help us maintain cholesterol levels and improve blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and improve our heart health. Because fenugreek seeds contain roughly 48 per cent fibre. Dietary fibre is very difficult to digest and forms a viscous gel in the intestines, which makes it difficult to digest sugars and fats.

Pain relief

Fenugreek is also used for pain relief in traditional systems of medicine. Some say that 51 women with painful periods took fenugreek seed powder capsules three times a day for the first 3 days of their period for 2 consecutive months. They experienced a shorter duration of pain and fewer symptoms between months.

Adverse effects, interactions and overdose

Some common fenugreek side effects include:


upset stomach

urine, sweat, or breast milk have a maple-like odour



Some people have had allergic reactions to excessive use of fenugreek. Pregnant women should avoid using fenugreek because it contains compounds that can stimulate contractions and may cause birth abnormalities. Fenugreek can also act similarly to estrogen in the body, negatively affecting people with hormone-sensitive cancers.

Generally, a person with any medical condition should avoid fenugreek or use it cautiously. Consult your doctor before trying. Fenugreek does not interact negatively with many medications, but some of the herbal compounds may perform similar functions to medications, so taking both may not be safe. Understanding the risks of fenugreek overdose will require more research. As with any medicinal food or supplement, adding fenugreek to your diet at a slow, steady pace is best.


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