Rules and Issues of Charity and Eid al -Fitr

Rules and Issues of Charity 

and Eid al -Fitr

It is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has done charity to Muslims to every enslaved person and free and every woman and every small and large. A palm or a palm commanded that this charity prayer be prayed. Before going for Eid (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim), Hadith Sharif states that charity cleanses the fasting person from false and unconscious things. 

Charity Fitr benefits

(1) Acceptance of fasting

 (2) To be safe from the strict of life

(3) The punishment of peace from the grave. But zakat is obligatory, i.e., the price of silver is worth the price of silver.

Whether the goods are traded or not, the year has passed; the charity is called charity in the Shariah (in the Shariah) as if it is a wealth of charity if the woman has some wealth. It is owned by which the value is equal to the equivalent of silver; for example, he has the ornament given by his father, or the husband has given him the owner by giving him the decoration. Fitr is obligatory. Time to be obligatory to charity Fitr: It is required for a charity at the time of Eid -ul -Fitr. The child born after Eid on the morning of Eid will not be a charity.

 the charity can be given before the Eid prayer on the day of Eid. Charity can be given before Eid. It is also obligatory for charity not to fast. Fitr is the same people who deserve zakat, i.e., poor people who do not have enough wealth on which charity is obligatory.

Parents, grandmothers, grandparents, grandparents, sons, daughters, grandchildren, and grandchildren cannot give charity to charity. The wife cannot give her husband and her husband a charity (brother), brother, sister's nephew, or niece. Aunt, uncle, sister-in-law, Mother in law, Father in law, stepmother is right to give charity to all of the (Syrian) charity Fitr from Masjid, madrassa, school, bathroom, well, tap, passenger house, road. Building or spending in a shroud of a dead body or paying a loan by the deceased is incorrect.

It is not correct to give a servant, a servant's Imam Mosque, etc., to pay a charity in the account of their salary. Unless a person's charity is researched, he should not be given charity if he is given a non-research. Then it was learned that he was poor, then it was paid; otherwise, if the heart testifies, if the heart is not satisfied, then he should pay again. Fasting the day in Al -Mubarak and spending the night, and on the day of Eid, the charity goes to the Eidgah, then all his sins will be forgiven till the Eid -ul -Fitr. Eid -ul -Fitr is celebrated as Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving for the Performing of Ramadan.

It is a holy pleasure, and its method of expression should be given, and the Islamic way is to be brought to Allah Almighty. The natural impact of celebrating Eid on this Islamic method should be collectively and collectively prostrate in the Eid -ul -Fitr, singing the anthem of monotheism, like avoiding absurdity, indecency and luxury, delightfulness, and Entertainment.

Demonstrating dishonesty in the name of Entertainment and the Eid festival in amusement parks is not the Islamic method of celebrating this Eid. It is a must for the Jewish Hindus. It is essential to avoid it. 2, Hazrat Sayyida Zainab, Hazrat Sayyida Um Kulsoom, the spiritual daughters of Hazrat Rakia and Hazrat Sayyida Fatimah, could not imagine celebrating the sacred festival of Eid by veiling in recreation and places. Still, they are obliged to celebrate in an Islamic way. Islamic Shariah has appointed this Eid al -Fitr as worship.

And the way of expressing happiness is also set in worship, so Muslims need to know its special orders regarding Eid al -Fitr. In the article, the necessary charges of Eid are from the credible books of jurisprudence. It is being presented so that we can follow it. The time for Eid -ul -Fitr prayer begins with the raising of a spear and starts with the time of the blessing of the Ashraq, and the fall is until the sun falls. 

On the day of Eid, thirteen things are Sunnah 

(1) to decorate your decoration according to the Shariah 

(2) to bathe 

(3) Smile 

(4) Wear powerful clothes 

(5) Posting perfume 

(6) Eid wake up in the morning

 (7) Going to the place soon 

(8) Eating something sweet before going to the Eidgah in Eid al -Fitr

 (9)Before going to the Eidgah in Eid -ul -Fitr, charity Fitr gives to the poor people 

(10) Eid prayer at Eidgah without excuse not to read in the mosque of the city 

(11) Going to the Eid -ul -Fitr prayer by one way and returning from the other side

(12) On the way to the Eid -ul -Fitr, Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar la Allahu Allahu Akbar and Akbar and Al -Hamad Saying slowly

(13)Go to the Eidgah without a ride


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