Importance of Hajj to the Muslims

Importance of Hajj to the Muslims

 Hajj, one of the five significant duties of Islam, can be defined as the annual pilgrimage to the House of Allah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Muslims must perform Hajj at least once in their lifetime. Every year, two million Muslims perform the Hajj (Hajj), a five-day event at the Holy House of the Kaaba during Hajj (the last month of Islam). It is strictly forbidden for Muslims to participate in any sin in the state of holy ihram. This includes arguing, violence, sex, and cutting hair and nails. Advise the Muslims to remain silent during the pilgrimage. 

Hajj, which means "preparing to travel" according to Islamic laws and regulations, is obligatory for every Muslim with a pure heart and financial and physical strength to perform the Hajj once in a lifetime. Also, those who complete the pilgrimage will add the name "Hajj" to the beginning of their names. Although children don't need to make the pilgrimage, they can, if they wish, be accompanied by their parents or guardians.

Also, if someone is sick or injured by an illness, another person may be appointed as a "representative" to make pilgrimages on his behalf. Hajj is the last month of the Hijri calendar in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Hajj is the holiest ritual among the five pillars of Islam. It is obligatory for every Muslim with financial and physical strength to participate in religious activities. While the Hajj is performed from the 8th to the 12th of each year, it is ensured that all religious ceremonies are performed according to Islamic procedures and conditions.

Importance of Hajj and Umrah Mentioned in the Quran and Hadith

Hajj is a sacred event that brings together Muslims worldwide in the spirit of brotherhood, unity and equality. Anyone who makes a pilgrimage with a pure heart can return home free from the sins of life. In addition to being a sign of goodness and mercy, Hajj is also a sign of Hz. It is a repetition of Abraham's (AS) obedience and sacrifice to Allah (SVT) and is the highest honour Muslims receive. 


Regarding the importance of Hajj, Allah  says in the Qur'an: "When we build our house, the Kaaba, the place of return of people] and [the area of safety]. [Believers] uphold Abraham's prayer. We said to Abraham and Ishmael: [Perform prayer] for those who circumambulate, those who are there, those who worship, those who worship, and those who clean my house. ("Quran" 2:125)

Elsewhere, the "Qur'an" speaks of the importance of pilgrimage: "Indeed, the first (capital) temple built for humanity is in the overflowing Baka (Mecca). - 'It is the guidance of the world (humans and jinn). There are verses among them (for example) that the station of Abraham (Abraham) is safe, whoever enters it.

Hajj (Hajj to Mecca) and Kaaba are man's duty to Allah for those who can afford the expenses (transportation, services and services); ), then he denies Allah], then Allah does not want anything." The world (human and soul). (Imran Qur'an, 96-97)

"And perform Hajj or Umrah for Allah" (Baqara) Surah 2, verse 196)

"But they are those who believe and do righteous deeds. We will take them to the paradise under which the waters flow, and we will there.


The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) regarded pilgrimage as a pillar of Islam. He said: "Islam has five pillars: Declare that there is no god but Allah, Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Allah is the Messenger of Allah and establishes prayer, pays zakat, visits [Allah's] Shrine, and fasts in the month of Ramadan. It is his birthday." (Bukhari and Muslims)

According to another narration from Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (saas) said while talking about the importance of Hajj: "O people! Allah has commissioned you to perform Hajj. Do it." People who are guests of Allah and they ask for forgiveness remain forever.

God's promise is true; what word can be more accurate than God's words? (Quran 4:122)

Top 5 Reasons Why Hajj Is Important

The following five reasons show the importance of Hajj for Muslims:

Reason 1: Hajj cleanses all your sins

Abu Hurayra (May Allah be pleased with him) said as a timed event. He heard the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say: "Whoever makes pilgrimage for the sake of Allah and does not utter bad words or commit any evil, will return (sinless) as his mother gave birth to him." (Bukhari)


Reason 2: Hajj purifies the soul

The holy pilgrimage encourages Muslims to celebrate, purify their hearts, and strengthen their morals. It is essential in building the foundations of purity, justice and equity for all people, promoting justice and a good Muslim society.

Reason 3: Hajj Creates Your Character

Muslims making a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca will encounter some problems and difficulties while getting used to their new place. From the patience in the demanding ritual of Hajj to the process of obedience that calms and calms the soul, the law of Hajj shapes the character of every Muslim standing in the house of Allah.

Reason 4: Hajj Is the Way to Earn the Reward of Jihad for Women

Jihad is to fight in the name of Allah against the apostles of Islam. According to a narration by Hazrat Ayesha (RA), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in an event, said, "O Allah's Apostle! We consider jihad as the best deed." However, "The best jihad (for women) is Hajj Mabruk" (Sahih Bukhari; Haj; 595)

Reason 5: The reward of Hajj is Paradise

Allah SWT promises that whoever performs Hajj with a pure heart will be rewarded with Paradise or Paradise. This is evidenced by the hadith, "Going from one Umrah to the next is an expiation for them, and the pilgrimage to perform has no reward other than Paradise." (Hadiths from Bukhari and Muslims)

Social Benefits of Hajj

From a social point of view, people from all over the world of different races, colours and backgrounds come every year to perform Hajj. These people have many differences, but they have one thing in common: Islam. Regardless of money or size, everyone performs the Hajj similarly, showing equality, unity, purity and hope.

Wearing ihram bridges the gap between national and worldly status and promotes Muslim identity. It represents that all Muslims are equal in the sight of Allah.


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