Virtues and Rules of Fasting "ASHURA"

Virtues and Rules of Fasting "ASHURA"

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) came to Medina and saw the Jews fasting on the day of Ashura: 'What is this?' They said, 'This is the day of justice, when God delivered the people of Israel from their enemies, so Moses fasted today." Moses said, "We have more right to Moses than you," he fasted that day and commanded [Muslims]. Fasting that day."
"Today is the day of justice" - In a Muslim narration, [Jews said: "It was a beautiful day when Allah saved Moses and his people and struck Pharaoh and his people.
 "Moses fasted today" - A Muslim narration added: "...Thank God we fasted today.
According to Bukhari's account: "...we fasted that day too. This commemorates him."
Imam Ahmed There is a narration from "This is the day the ship was put on Mount Judi, so Nus fasted on Thanksgiving." His friends said: "You have more right than going to Moses and fasting that day." before the Prophet taught).
Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) said: "The people of the ignorant used to fast today..."
The Prophet (saas) fasted in Mecca on the day of Ashura before leaving for Medina. Abu Musa (radiyallahu anh) told the Muslims to leave the Jews who count this day as a holiday; in the hadith, Abu Musa (radiyallahu anh) said, "Jews used to count Ashura as a holiday. According to another Muslim narration, The people of Khaybar (Jews) celebrated this day as a feast, and the women wore their jewelry and symbols on this day].
The Prophet (PBUH) said, "So you (Muslims) fast on that day." (Bukhari reports). He ordered Muslims to fast on this day to differ from the Jews in that while Muslims fast, Jews do not fast because people do not fast on holidays. (From the words of Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar - May Allah have mercy on him - in Fath al-Baari Sharh 'ala Saheeh al-Bukhaari).
Ashura fasting is a progressive step in the fasting process required by Islam.
Fasting comes in three forms. When the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) came to Madinah, he told Muslims to fast on the third day of the month and the day of Ashura, and then Allah made fasting obligatory and said (on the subject): "... fasting has been given to you... " [Baqara 2:183] (Ahkaam al-Qur'aan by al-Jassas, Part 1).
The conversion of the fard of Ashura to Ramadan fasting is evidence in the field of Ursul Shariah that light fards can be removed from heavy ones.
Before the Ashura fast was abolished, the necessity of fasting on this day was clear from the order to follow it. This was later reaffirmed and reiterated as an order for all and again by instructing mothers not to breastfeed their children during fasting.
According to Ibn Mas'ud, when fasting during Ramadan became obligatory, the obligation to fast on the day of Ashura was abolished.

Virtues of fasting `Ashura

Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said: "I have never seen the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) so eager to fast on any day and before that. "Ashura" means this month. "Ramadan". (Bukhari Report, 1867.) By devotion, he means he wants to fast that day for a reward. ). This is what God does for us: For one day's fasting, one year atones for our sins. God is rich.

When is the Fast of Ashura?

Nevevi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "As it is said in the Arabic book, Ashura and Tasua are two long names [prolongs the sound]. Our friend said: "Ah Shura is the tenth day of Hijri. Calendar. and Tasua is the ninth day.
This is our opinion and that of most scientists. This is the superficial meaning of the Word and what we understand by ordinary words. This is also often understood by linguists. ” (al-Majmoo')

'Ashura is an unknown Islamic name during the Age of Ignorance. (Kashshaaf al-Qinaa', Part 2, Savm Muharram).

Ibn Kudama (May Allah have mercy on him) said:
"'Ashura is the tenth day of the Hijri calendar; this is the opinion of Sayyid ibn Musayib and Hasan. (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) reminds us to fast on the tenth day of Muharram. ' (Reported by Tirmidhi and reported in the hadith of Hasan Hasan) It is reported that Ibn Abbas said "nine days," and he says that the Prophet (saas) fasted for nine days.
(Reported by Muslim). Atta said, "Fast on the ninth and tenth days, and do not be like the Jews." If understood, fasting on the ninth and tenth days is mustahabb. That's the tenth. This is what Ahmed said and Isaac's view.

Ashura Fasting

'Abdullah ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them both) said: "When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) fasted Ashura and ordered the Muslims to fast, they said: 'O Messenger of Allah. Today is a day of honor for Jews and Christians.

The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said, "If I live to the day of Allah next year, we will fast on the ninth day." "(May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) died before next year." (Muslim Report, 1916).

Shafa'i and his friend Ahmad, Ishaq, and others said: "The ninth and tenth days should fast because the Prophet (PBUH) fasted; on the tenth day, eat and prepare for the fast." The number is nine."

From this point of view, there are different types of Ashura fasting, the lightest being only the tenth day fast and the most virtuous one being the ninth day fast.

The more you fast in Muharram, the better.

Why should we fast on Ashura?

 They worship only on the tenth day. Ibn Abbas narrated this view...

He intended to add an extra day of fasting to 'Ashura'. As Khattab and others have said, this is like banning Friday fasting. If there is a mistake in seeing the new moon at the beginning of the Hijri calendar and in one-tenth of the nine, fast on it just in case.

The most important reason for this is that they differ from the Bible. The following words are taken from the People of the Book, for example, 'Ashura', in hadith-i sharifs: "If I live to the next year, I will fast on the ninth day."

Ibn Hajar (May Allah be pleased with him). ) said in his commentary on the hadith: "If I live in the next year, I will surely live. He will fast on the ninth day":

"By fasting on the ninth day, he probably means limiting himself not only to that day but also to the tenth day; and Christians, moreover, this is one of the teachings of some Muslims. Is what we know."

 The Rules of Fasting on the Day of Ashura

Islamic sheik said:

"Day of Ashura" Fasting is for one year; fasting is not makruh only on that day..." (al-Fatavaul- Kübra, Part 5).

Ibn Hajar al-Haytemi wrote in Tuhfet al-Muhtaaj: "There is nothing wrong with fasting only on the day of Ashura." Chapter 3444 May Allah be pleased with him) He allowed us to fast on the day of Ashura and ordered us to do so. He did not say not to fast on Saturday. This proves that every day of the week is included. In our opinion -Allah knows best - even if this is true (it is not permissible to fast on Saturdays), it will be a question of not respecting that day, not eating, drinking, and not having sex as the Jews did.

It is not makruh for those who do not want to fast on Saturday and do not fast because the Jews consider it blessed..." (Mushkil al-Aathar, Part 2, Baab Savm Yawm al-Sabt) 

The author of al-Minhac says:

"'Only those who don't like fasting on Friday (makruh)...' But if you add one more day, St. training report. As reported in a hadith-i sharif, a person fasting to fulfill their vows or who misses an obligatory fast can fast on Friday.

If he fasts to fulfill his vows, etc. ” - This also applies to fasting on days given by Sharia, such as Ashura or Arafa. "Because of the hadith of 'Abd al-Abd, it is deliberately makruh to fast on Saturday. - Allah ibn Bishr was warned by his sister: "Unless you have to fast on Saturday" (Ahmad the good Enad and Hakim reported, he said: Al-Bukhari to the Sahih incidents) (according to Allah)) and because he is one. Choosing this day for fasting, the day of the sacrifice of the Jews means to be like them... If Friday or Saturday coincides with the fasting day of the Muslims, for example, the Muslims, for example, the fasting day of Muslims When it coincides with the day of 'Arafaah or 'Ashura, people fast on this day. Habits, this is not makruh in the literature, because one's behavior brings something serious." (Kashshaaf al-Qinaa', Part 2, Baab Savm al-Tatawwu')

What if you need clarification about the beginning of Hijri Calendar?

Ahmed said: "If there is anxiety at the beginning of the month, fast for three days, and do not forget to fast on the ninth and tenth days.

" (from al-Mughni, Ibn Kudama, Part 3 - es-Siyaam - Ashura Siyaam). 

Reward of fasting Ashura

In other words, it provides forgiveness of all sins except major sins.

Then (may Allah have mercy on him) he said:

Fasting on the day of Arafa is two years, and fasting on the day of Ashura is one year. If a person says "Amen" and accepts that the angels said "Amen", then his past sins are forgiven... Everything we say is done for atonement. Hope minor crime and big crime will decrease.

(al-Majmoo' Share al-Muhadhdhab, Part 6, Sawm Yawm 'Arafaah)

Sheikh Islam ibn Taymiya (May Allah have mercy on him) said: "Tahra, pray to Allah and during the fasting days of Ramadan fasting, " Arafah and " Ashura is expiation for minor sins. (al-Fatawatu'l-Kubra, Part 5)


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