Why heat is dangerous for man

Why heat is dangerous for man

Whether it is cold or heat, high temperatures of the weather are highly harmful to your health, and in severe situations, human death can also occur. What is more disturbing is that sudden attacks occasionally cause human extinction, but hurricanes or other natural disasters do not appear suddenly.

According to a study conducted in 2021, severe heat deaths have increased by 74 % since the 1980s; during the recent meteorological crisis, this temperature will likely increase further, and the heat wave will continue for longer. Likely.

However, it is possible to prevent health problems in severe heat; in such a situation, taking care of three normal conditions, including dehydration in the body, heat stroke and tiredness, is necessary.

Dehydration in the body

Water is essential for physical health; a small amount of dehydration in the body is not a sign of risk, as water use can be met in this case. However, the problem intensifies when you The body of the body is not able to make you aware of the dehydration; that is, you do not realize that the body needs water; in this case, when the thirst is felt, the use of water does not work, the other adults. This condition can be more affected.

Experts say that water must be found before leaving the house in the severe summer season. According to US Centers for Fordazies Control and Prevention, at least each, when you are out, especially when working or exercising in the sun. After 15 to 20 minutes, drink one cup (8 ounces) of water. Due to the lack of water, the risk of kidney stones and other diseases with urinary tract infections increases.

Heat stroke

Dr. Scott Dresden, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at North Western University, states that heat stroke is the most problematic problem. The body does not cool in heat stroke and has difficulty controlling body temperature. At the average temperature, water is emitted from the body from different sources, including sweating, deep breathing and professional, but sweating is ineffective when humidity is more than 75 %.

Body temperature may be low when the outside temperature is lower than the body temperature, usually 98.6 degrees. If the body temperature increases rapidly, sweating is not used ( Because sweating reduces body temperature). In such a case, a person's temperature can increase in 10 or 15 minutes to 106 degrees or more, which is extremely dangerous and can lead to disability or death.

If you see someone who is confused or is red on the skin, or it seems that the person is breathing fast or has a headache, take them to a cool place, drink cold water or ice Or cool their neck, face and waist with wet towels and contact a specialist doctor as soon as possible. In heat stroke, someone has a lot of sweat or sometimes sweating; both situations are dangerous. There may be a heart attack; heat stroke can also damage your brain. To avoid such a situation, choose light clothes, use sunscreen, drink too much water, and refrain from exercising outside the home.


Physical tiredness occurs when the body gets more sweaty, i.e., the body is lacking in salt. Usually, this is when you do physical activity, for example, running or playing football. Yes.

Some symptoms of physical tiredness in the heat include moist skin, too much sweating, becoming unconscious, feeling too tired, a sharp heartbeat, headache or nausea. If you think If you or anyone else are showing these symptoms, take them to a cold room or shade and drink cold water; if it is not beneficial, consult a doctor.


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