Most Powerful Politicians of the World

  Most Powerful Politicians 

of the World

The world has seen many politicians, from conservatives to liberals, dictators to democratic, aggressive to charismatic and they play a very vital role in the development of a country in all aspects be it economic, socio-economic, technological, capacity building and environmental. A politician is not necessarily a good leader we have many examples of that in the world history but good leadership skills become a competitive advantage for the country.

Every politician strives for the support of his/her people, and presents a manifesto and those with a similar mind set and beliefs become a big support for the politician. If the politician works for the people, he/she is bound to get huge support from the people because these individuals have the power to change the destiny of nations and people put their trust in them.

Here is a list of “Top 10 most Powerful Politicians in the World” as of 2018.

10-Dilma Rousseff Country: Brazil

Dilma Rousseff, a famous politician, was born on December 14, 1947. She is a Brazilian politician and the first female president of Brazil. She has now become the 36th president of Brazil and held the position from 2011 before being re-elected in 2014 until 2016 when she was impeached for corruption and misappropriation of government funds and was removed from office. Dilma was the first woman in Brazil's presidency and focused a lot on human rights, multilateralism, peace and non-intervention. Her influence in Brazil earned her 10th place in our "Top 10 Most Powerful Politicians in the World".

9-Hillary Clinton Country: U.S.A

 Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947. Hillary is an American-born politician and diplomat who also served as the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, a US Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, the 67th Secretary of the United States American. State from 2009 to 2013 and the Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election. Talk about being an important figure in the United States! During her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary and her team presented a detailed and comprehensive progressive vision for America's future. 8-Angela Merkel Country: Germany Angela Dorothea Merkel was born on July 17, 1954. She is a German politician who has been the Chancellor of Germany since 2005 and the leader of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 2000. Angela Merkel is also known as the de facto leader of the European Union. She is the most powerful woman in the world and the leader of the free world. And that makes her one of the most powerful politicians in the world.

7-Narendra Modi Country: India

Narendra Damodardas Modi was born on 17 September 1950. Modi is an Indian politician serving as the 14th and current Prime Minister of India since 2014. A member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Modi is a Hindu nationalist and a member of the right wing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) . From selling tea to being the 14th Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi is worth a mention in the list of "World's 10 Most Powerful Politicians".

6-David Cameron Country: England

David William Donald Cameron was born on October 9, 1966. He is a British politician who was born into an upper middle class family. Cameron was appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2016. The list of his endeavors is endless. He was an MP from 2001 to 2016. Cameron resigned in October 2016 after the Brexit referendum result was 52% to 48% in favor of leaving the European Union. Despite the conflicting views, he still received huge support from Britain, which is why he is ranked 6th in the Top 10 Most Powerful Politicians list.

 5-Manuel Valls Country: France


Manuel Carlos Valls Galfetti was born on August 13, 1962. He is of Spanish origin, but he is a French politician who served as the Prime Minister of France from 2014-2016. He belonged to the Socialist Party and was also nominated in the 2017 presidential election, but lost to the opposition in the second round. Valls also studied music theory, music composition and orchestration. He composed many symphonic works and also taught composition at the University of Barcelona. His extraordinary personality makes him one of the most powerful politicians in the world.

4-Donald Trump Country:⠀ U.S.A

In the list of the top 10 most powerful politicians, it is impossible not to mention Donald Trump. Donald John Trump was born on the 14th of April 1946. June. 45. Current President of the United States of America. Before entering politics, he was a business magnate and television personality. Donald Trump is the very definition of America, a success story from his ⠀excellent⠀efforts⠀in⠀business⠀to the⠀⠀president of the⠀⠀United⠀States.

3-Vladimir Putin Country: Russia

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 7, 1952. Putin does not need an introduction, everyone is aware of his Russian noble origin. ⠀served⠀⠀President of⠀Russia⠀and was⠀Prime Minister⠀Prime Minister of Russia⠀from 1999⠀to 2000⠀and again⠀between⠀2008 to⠀2012⠀played⠀Putin and Vitals⠀Putin ⠀⠀development⠀Russia⠀a He gathered support like no other from the people of his country, which is why he is known as one of the most powerful politicians in the universe.

2-Xi Jinping Country: China

Xi Jinping was born on the 15th June 1953.Jinping is a Chinese nationalist and a Chinese politician serving as Secretary General of the Chinese Parliament and President of China. prestigious titles from his people, such as the Chinese Leamount Core Leader. He came to fame because of his signature anti-corruption campaign. Because of his significant contribution ⠀⠀received⠀ on⠀ on⠀ number 2⠀ "10⠀ most powerful⠀ politicians⠀ of the world".

1-Imran Khan Country: Pakistan

The list of the most powerful politicians in the world is incomplete without the mention of Imran Khan Niazi. He was born on October 5,1952. He is Pakistani⠀Politician⠀and now in⠀future⠀Pakistan⠀has become⠀the most powerful⠀country of the world⠀,former⠀cricketer,⠀chairman(Pakistan⠀InTehreek⠀)and⠀22nd⠀Prime Minister⠀Minister of Pakistan 

Imran⠀Khan⠀gathered⠀huge⠀support from his own country because of his anti-corruption concept “New Pakistan”. in cricket⠀ in 1992 for the⠀ production of the Cancer Hospitals in Pakistan and many other contributions. Despite facing a large state opposition and won the general election on 25 .⠀July⠀2018.

Due to 22 years of political struggle, Imran Khan is regarded as the most powerful politician in the world. The opposition fought against the political status quo and won the general election on 25 July 2018. Because of his 22 years of political struggle, Imran Khan is considered to be the most powerful politician in the world.


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