Causes of Malaria & its treatment

Causes of Malaria & its treatment

Malaria is a significant public health problem worldwide, affecting not only underdeveloped but also developing and developed countries. This disease is widespread in Africa, Asia, and America, while it spreads well in Pakistan. Why does malaria occur, and what preventive measures can be taken to prevent it? In this regard, the article under review has been specially written, which will surely increase the readers' knowledge.

Malaria, derived from the Latin word for Malus aer, is also called Roman fever. It is caused by a parasite (germ) called Plasmodium.

Its four species are Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falsiparum, Plasmodium vivax, and Plasmodium malaria. Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falsiparum are more common in Pakistan, while ovale and malaria are more common in Latin America and Africa.

Every mosquito bite does not always cause malaria. When a specific female Anopheles mosquito bites a person, it transfers the sporozoites or eggs of Plasmodium inside it. They feed on red cells and start multiplying. If the sporozoites reach the liver, this type is called vivax, and the malaria attack is repeated.

It should be noted that when a female mosquito bites infected individuals, the Plasmodium bacteria can enter the mosquito again and infect another person.

Symptoms of malaria include fever with severe chills, flu, restlessness, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache and muscle pain. A blood test usually diagnoses malaria; sometimes, PCR is also recommended.

Certain medications are prescribed as part of the treatment, while in some cases, injections are also prescribed along with specific medicines. It is essential to complete the course of treatment for complete recovery. Remember, wait to complete the course of treatment. Reducing the amount of medicine or not eating regularly can cause disease complications. If the nature of the disease is severe, such patients are immediately admitted to the hospital because even the slightest Negligence becomes a recipe for death.

There are four levels of malaria prevention: A, B, C, and D. "A" stands for "Awareness." Basic knowledge about malaria fever is the basis for preventing this disease. Source: "B" stands for "Bite Avoidance." It refers to the use of means to avoid mosquito bites. "C" stands for Chemoprophylaxis.

That is the timely use of preventive medicine. People who live in malaria-affected areas or are going to travel to these areas should use appropriate medicine to prevent the disease. "D" refers to "Diagnosis." Timely diagnosis protects against complications of malaria.

Also, follow the following measures to prevent malaria fever.

Cover water storage containers such as buckets, canisters, drums, vases, pots, and water tanks in the house. To protect against mosquitoes, put mosquito nets on doors and windows so that mosquitoes cannot enter—regular use of mosquito spray and mosquito repellent lotion. Use full-sleeved clothing. Never let small children and infants out of the mosquito net, even in the room. Never sleep in the open air without a mosquito net. Take special care of cleanliness at home and do not allow dirt to accumulate. Go to the nearest hospital immediately if symptoms of malaria appear.


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