Action makes life

 Life is an integral part of society. If we are alive then we have to live with the society and the relationships connected with it. No matter what the circumstances may be at the time, if we are separated from the society and the relationships then human beings also die with emotions.

The era a few years ago was called the machine age, but today the era is much faster than these machines. It has become the age of internet, now you don't have to run the machine, only finger tips and thumbprints are enough to run life. Enough if only posts and words are shared, but actions are getting away from our lives. Do we understand that we are walking together in thought and action? 

An old man was passing by. A young boy was wearing an agate ring on his hand. He kindly asks his son why he is wearing this ring. The boy smiled and addressed Babaji. Babaji, this is an agate stone. I don't know if this is the Sunnah of the Prophet. Good son, this is Sunnah Rasool.

Babaji, smiling son, you prove by wearing only stones that you are a Sunnah Rasool or you are also practicing. What do you mean, Babaji? The boy looked at Babaji in astonishment. This means that the son serves the mother and the father, forgives others, does not create difficulties in the life of others by blocking their way, makes the lives of others easier, picks up stones from the path, is this Sunnah? No messenger.

Babaji touched the boy's head with a compassionate smile and said that we are lucky that we have got practical Islam. The Sunnah is only what your mind says or all the teachings that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) made a beacon for us. To become a Muslim, you only need to believe in five members. The word, prayer, fasting, Hajj and Zakat and you will be rewarded. It is very important for you to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It is Sunnah to give importance to Fard, Sunnah and Nafl in their respective places and to follow them. You can never take Nafl to the place of Sunnah and Farz.

Islam has made every aspect of life clear. Our society is practically being destroyed morally. Our country ranks 162 in honesty. We have never given priority to practical. If we love our messenger then why don't we read him. Such a chapter will not be found in the history of the world which spreads the chador for the daughter. Jihad is very important but there is also the incident of this companion who said that my parents are sick. I cannot take part in jihad.

He said go and serve them. He said that the service of parents is better than jihad. Nothing is going to happen in the world unless you are practical. The most important is our Holy Prophet. Religion creates ease, gives way to goodness and gives moderation. Remember this too and fulfill the worldliness, earn halal sustenance, pay the family dues. If you say that I am truthful, then you are thinking. Believe me, it is easy to take off one's skin, but it is difficult to correct one's thinking. You think you are right but five years later you found out you were wrong. Listening, reading and preaching is not only a religion but also a practical religion. Don't bother thinking so much that you start judging the issues that are your responsibility. Leave her alone, no one believes that she has been forgiven, but we just have to believe that whatever we are, whatever we are, her mercy is infinite, she will forgive us, she will forgive me. Believe it or not, your money should change.

An action which does not make any difference to the religion but the word makes a difference to the religion. A servant does everything but his parents are arrogant, nothing is a bargain. Read all the practical things and understand what is right, what is sacrifice, in whose name life should be lived.

But today's world has turned traditions into life. Wherever our social traditions come from, the practical significance of religion diminishes. We change every custom according to our thinking and make it our religion. What effect do all these thoughts and practical situations have on others? We never realize. We need to change our thinking and move our actions in the right direction so that the lives of others may be easier with us. We are complete Muslims. We have to prove this to the world only by our righteous and virtuous deeds.


A Blog and Content writer

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