The importance and strength of the national language


The history of the world testifies that the survival of the country and the nation is in its national language.The nation depends on the use of its national language in every field. In many countries of the world, the education system is in their own language. available. Developed nations are those who have been educated in their own language. Real education and development cannot be imagined without the national language. Only by making it a means of education can a solid foundation for development be laid. As many countries of the world including China, Japan, Germany and Russia opened the doors of development for their nations by promoting education in the national language.

The national language is the cause of mental freedom. At the same time, it is impossible to deny the usefulness and importance of regional languages ​​and dialects in any independent country, but the national language or dialects are the hallmark of nations. Language is a special blessing bestowed by Allah Is spoken under so that our addressee can understand our point. There is nothing wrong with learning other languages ​​like Arabic, Persian and English but this is not our national language. It is a question mark why we and our government could not understand the importance and strength of the national language when other countries understand and know it. 

All the nations in the world which have made  rapid progress have always given priority to their national language. Living nations have a tradition of loving their religion, their language,their traditions and their culture.If Islam was the first motive of Tehreek-e-Pakistan, then Urdu was the second motive. Founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said, "I want to make it clear to you that the official language of Pakistan will be Urdu and there will be no other language except Urdu, Urdu. History of other nations on this subject. It is a witness that without a common official language, no nation can be united and no one else can work, so as far as the official                                                                                 language  of Pakistan is concerned, it will be Urdu only.


Our national language 'Urdu'

Our national language is Urdu which is written, read and spoken all over Pakistan. According to linguists, Hindi, Indian, Dehlavi and Rekhta are also ancient names of Urdu. That is why Urdu is so well known and similar to other languages. Is understood and our social need is also met.

There are large numbers of Urdu speakers in different parts of the world. Happily, the Urdu language is rapidly gaining international status, so we should be proud of our national language, which is our identity. The Urdu language has the spirit of the entire Pakistani nation as it is widely spoken and understood in the villages and cities of Pakistan.

In this day and age, in order to keep our national language "Urdu" alive and save it from deteriorating, it is imperative that a spirit of love and respect be instilled in the hearts of the new generation. The standard of Urdu language should be raised from the very beginning, its awareness should be created, Urdu should be taught and it should be made a means of education. The new generation should be made to believe that after Islam, if there is one thing that can maintain the integrity of the beloved homeland of Pakistan, it is our national language "Urdu language".


A Blog and Content writer

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