Disrespect of national language and national dress

Disrespect of national language and national dress

Pakistan was established to live according to its culture and civilization. Quaid-e-Azam waged the entire struggle for the establishment of Pakistan on this basis and in every meeting and every speech of Quaid-e-Azam from the establishment of the Muslim League till the establishment of Pakistan, the separate identity of Muslims, national and cultural values ​​and national language were justified. Long before the formation of Pakistan, an education committee consisting of eminent intellectuals was formed to formulate the education policy of Pakistan. The recommendations of this committee were also approved by Quaid-e-Azam. On February 8, the national language Urdu was also given constitutional status. After the demise of Quaid-e-Azam, the ideology of Pakistan began to turn away and it continues to this day. Despite the constant demands of the people, the occupying clique is imposing policies against the vision and ideology of Quaid-e-Azam. Despite the passage of fifty-five centuries, English could not be removed from government offices, but the dominance of English is being strengthened day by day.

Now the situation has reached to the point that with the private educational institutions across the country, wearing national dress is completely banned in the Federation, Punjab, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, while in public schools in urban areas of Balochistan and Sindh, wearing national dress. While there is a ban on wearing national dress in rural areas, it is being phased out.

The ban on English medium education and English dress in educational institutions is a negation of Pakistan's ideology. Now it is time to leave the educational institutions and get a job. All Pakistani banks, multinational companies, pharmaceutical companies as well as general business entities have been banned from wearing national attire. Thus the Jabra nation is being forced to adopt a foreign civilization.

National dress and national language are our identity and our basic right. Which is being forcibly taken away by the state. The point to note is that there is no resistance to stop the occupying forces. Political and religious parties and intellectuals have all adopted intellectual slavery according to Lord McLaughlin's formula. There is no hope. I'm trying to throw rocks into this pool. I have been active for the implementation of the national language for six or seven years, now I am compelled to play my role for the preservation of national dress and values. I am accustomed to the principle that I should not follow the world, but keep raising my voice for what seems right. Instead of worrying about when the results will come out, we should continue to play our part in the hope of tomorrow if not positive results today.

The issue of clothing has come a long way. In an Islamic state, no one can be given parental freedom. It is the responsibility of the state to ensure that women who are Muslims adhere to Islamic beliefs and traditions. Those who are non-Muslims should also be kept to a minimum standard in order to live in an Islamic state. The way women are being portrayed naked in the media is against our religious honor and national solidarity. The whole nation is silent. Cannabis is now being cultivated at the government level, the effects are already being felt across the nation. We have to abandon the attitude of detachment from national affairs and bring Pakistan in the true style of the state of Madinah, otherwise our generations will be a few hands away from Europe.

I would like to draw the attention of politicians, scholars, teachers and every Pakistani patriot to the national language, disrespect of national dress and foreign language and to stop the cultural invasion. The silence of the people is also a cause for concern but the silence of scholars, politicians and thinkers will be considered criminal. It is not just a matter of identity, it is a matter of protection of religious beliefs, religious values ​​and national identity. On which every Pakistani should play a role.


A Blog and Content writer

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