English man & English language

 English man &  English language

Whatever people say about English and English, but the truth is that we love both English and English very much. The good news in this regard is that I am not alone in my love for English and English, but I have other secrets in this association. So one day I saw a like-minded friend of mine holding his blonde son in his arms, taking his calls and saying "Aha, my son looks like the son of an Englishman!" "I am not the only friend among the like-minded people who had suspected that his son was the son of an Englishman. If you talk to them, they will shed some light on the blessings of the British government and its bounty in such a way that the movement against the British government will start to feel remorse. Praise be to Allah! What was the time when the British Deputy Commissioners who had been promoted from Upper Divisional Clerk from England to India as Deputy Commissioners, used to come to our elders to present their gifts and rejoice in the bliss of a step-kiss? Farhan used to return home. When he got a chair in the British court, he used to show pride and expansion for months. Praise be to Allaah. The generation that remembers the benevolence of these benefactors and then their next generation is present among us at this time and is present with so much grace that today we come to serve them and offer the happiness of stepping foot. When they are happy, they return home happy.

And as far as the love of English language is concerned, the peasants of this language include the peasants from the nation to the officers of the nation. What would happen if a person talking in Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi, Pashto seems a bit ugly, but as soon as he starts talking in English. "Upgrade" is done at once. I have also noticed that as soon as a person joins the "Union" of English speakers, his rank rises. Keeping black people at a distance is a basic condition.

I had just suggested that if any one of us speaks in our national or mother tongue, the first impression about him is not good at all. It seems that everyone wants to bow down to him and it is necessary

However, if you want to fully appreciate the "virtue" of English over Urdu, then sometimes read articles written in beautiful English by intellectuals in English newspapers, you will feel that someone is standing at a height and talking, but most of the time he is so Standing on the heights that the sound does not reach the bottom, on the contrary read this article translated into Urdu, then this article will not cost two cents, now obviously there is no fault of these intellectuals or their intellectuals No, the fault lies with the NATIVE language, which is called Urdu and which is typed recklessly with no 

So we all try to speak a half sentence of English in our conversation if nothing else to show practical proof of our love and devotion to English and those who do not have that much ability, they prove their silent love to someone. Of course not. A friend of mine holds the position of superintendent in an office. Despite his immense love for English, he was unfortunately deprived of the privilege of being introduced to the language. But there is a chance that this deprivation of one's own may be revealed to someone, so when someone requests in English, they hold the request in their hand, put on spectacles and for five to ten minutes pay full attention to its subject matter, finally placing the request on the table. He takes off his spectacles and puts his elbows on the table and says to the petitioner, "I have read the petition, now tell me briefly what you want."


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