Importance of "Jumu'ah" in Islam

 Importance of "Jumu'ah" in Islam

Allah Almighty has made seven days and gave priority to Friday over other days. , Surah has been revealed in the Holy Qur'an in the name of Jumu'ah only, which will be recited for the rest of the world, God willing. Surah Jumu'ah is a Madni Surah, it has 11 verses and 2 Ruku. The last 3 verses of this surah mention Friday prayers, the meaning of which is: O you who believe! When the call for prayers is made on Friday, that is, when the call to prayer is made, then hurry up for the remembrance of Allah, and stop buying and selling. That is better for you, if you only knew. (Verse 9) And when the prayer is over, spread out in the land and seek of Allah's bounty, that is, seek of lawful sustenance. And remember Allah much, that you may be successful. That is, you can perform prayers only in that place but you can perform dhikr everywhere. Look, don't forget me, remember me everywhere while working, working hard and being employed. (Verse 10) When people see a bargain or a spectacle, they run away and leave you standing. Say: What is with Allah is better than amusement and bargaining, and Allah is the best of providers. (Verse 11)

Why Friday was named Friday: 

Various reasons are mentioned for it: (1) Friday is derived from Friday which means gathering. Because Muslims gather in large mosques on this day and gatherings of the Muslim Ummah, this day is called Jumu'ah. (6) In six days Allah created the heavens and the earth and all the creatures. On Friday, the creation of the creatures was completed, that is, all the creatures came together on that day, therefore this day is called Friday. (1) Adam (peace be upon him) was born on this day, that is, on Friday, that is, he was gathered on that day.

Two hadiths regarding the importance of Friday: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: No day is better than Friday in the days of sunrise and sunset, that is, Friday is better than all days. (Sahih Ibn Habban) The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) once said on Friday: Muslims! Allah Almighty has made this day a day of Eid for you, so do ghusl and do miswak on that day. (Tabarani, Majma 'al-Zawaid) From this hadith it is known that Friday is Eid on Saturday.

Friday acceptance hour

The hour of acceptance on Friday: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned the day of Jumu'ah and said: There is a time in which a Muslim prays and asks for something from Allaah. He made it clear that the hour is short. In the light of (Bukhari) hadiths, regarding the hour of acceptance on Friday, the scholars have defined two times: (1) The time between the two sermons, when the Imam sits on the pulpit for a few moments. (2) Some time before sunset.

Virtue of Jumu'ah Prayer: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever performs ablution properly, then comes for the Jumu'ah prayer, listens carefully to the khutbah and remains silent during the khutbah, then from this Jumu'ah to last Jumu'ah Three more days of sins are forgiven. (Muslim) ie small sins are forgiven.

Arriving at the mosque early for Friday prayers: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: When it is Friday, the angels stand at every door of the mosque. The names of the first comers are written first, followed by the names of the next comers (similarly the names of the comers are written in the order of their arrival). When the Imam comes to deliver the sermon, the angels close their registers (in which the names of the visitors are written) and engage in listening to the sermon. (Muslim) After the start of the Friday sermon, the Friday prayers of those who reach the mosque are performed, but they do not get the virtue of Friday prayers.

Friday Sermon: 

In order for the Friday prayer to be valid, it is a condition that two sermons be given before the prayer. Because the Holy Prophet always gave two sermons on Fridays. It is also Sunnah for the Khatib to sit between the two sermons. (Muslim) It is Sunnah to stand on the pulpit and deliver a sermon with a stick in hand.

During the sermon, it is forbidden to speak in any way, even to give advice. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever touches the pebbles, that is, plays with them during the sermon (or plays with hands, mats, clothes, etc.), then he has done nonsense. Special reward lost). (Muslim) Hazrat Abdullah bin Basrat says that I was sitting near the pulpit on Friday when a man came stepping on the necks of the people while the Messenger of Allah was giving a sermon. He said: Sit down, you have hurt and you have delayed. (Sahih Ibn Habban) Note: When the Imam is delivering the sermon, it is forbidden for the people to jump on their necks and go forward, but to sit in the back where there is space.

Recitation of Surah Al-Kahf on Friday or at night:


The Holy Prophet (saw) said: Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, there will be a special light for him till next Friday. (Feminine, Behaqi, Hakim) Recitation of Surah Al-Kahf brings peace and blessings to the house.

Reciting Durood Sharif on Frid ay: 

The Holy Prophet (saw) said: Friday is the best day of your days. Pray Durood frequently on this day, because your Durood is delivered to me. (Musnad Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Sahih Ibn Habban) The Holy Prophet said: Recite Durood frequently on Friday and Friday night. (Bayhaqi)

The special virtue who dies on Friday or night: 

The Holy Prophet (saw) said: Whoever dies on Friday or the night of Jumu'ah, Allah Almighty protects him from the fitnah of the grave. (Musnad Ahmad, Tirmidhi) This kind of hadith does not mean that whoever dies on Friday will get this virtue.


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