The Importance of Water according to Quran and Hadiths

The Importance of Water according to Quran and Hadiths

 Air and water are not only human life but also one of the greatest blessings created by the Creator of the universe for the survival of the universe. From the creation of man to the creation of the universe, the manifestation of water and air is seen in all things. The survival of life of all living beings on this planet depends on water. As life comes, the rain embraces it and in the same way provides the means of life for it. Today the whole world is worried about water scarcity and rising temperatures. Many countries are adopting new technologies for water conservation and protection. It is now being said that the wars that will take place in the coming centuries will be on water. In the current situation, it is the duty of the Muslim Ummah to Set an example to the world in terms of importance and usefulness

Holy Qur'an and water

In the Holy Qur'an, the Creator of the universe has said, "We have created every living thing from  water."Water is mentioned about 58 times in the Holy Qur'an.Where water is said to be the means of quenching the thirst of man (Al-Waqia) on the other hand it is also the means of its purification 

(Al-Anfal). Man can make lasting use of water,(Al-Mu'minun) Arranged rain from the sky (Naba'a) and placed in the layers of the earth an everlasting wealth like water, then it was said, The buds sprout and then slowly take the shape of shady trees and the swaying green plants bloom and fall into the mold of flowers (Luqman). It produces the means of life, resurrects the dead. (Al-Nahl). If there was no water, human life would be in danger.

Hadiths and water

There are sayings about the use and precaution of water in the hadiths of Mubarakah, sayings of Sahabah and followers,and Imams of Mujtahidin. Today, Muslims are in dire need of water all over the world, because the most important part of their religion is not possible without water (tayammum). You were asked what is the thing that human beings cannot be prevented from doing? He said, "That thing is water." (Bukhari)

He once said, "There are three things that are common to all, water, grass, fire." (Abu Dawud). He himself used water very sparingly. He has managed water for human beings in different ways.
There are about 400 areas in the world, including Pakistan, where the inhabitants are facing severe water problems. Rising population and economic activities around the world have increased the pressure on the world's water resources.. From Chile to Mexico, from Africa to southern Europe. Water problems are on the rise. Areas facing water problems are determined by how much water is being used from underground reservoirs and other surface reservoirs as compared to the available water resources. Global warming caused by air pollution is also causing a shortage of fresh water. Every major reduction in the world affects developing countries first and then every human being needs water.
we should accept the importance of water and donot waste it. because it is necessary for life

A Blog and Content writer

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