Effects of the growing trend of fast food


Good food is a must for a long life. A fast food system which has many negative effects on health. Fast food refers to the type of food that is prepared quickly. And can be served such as pizza, burgers, pasta, samosas, kachori and others. Even though the food tastes good, these foods are often unhealthy items such as fatty meats, ghee, harmful spices, Made with sodium and extra sugar.

Fresh fruits, vegetables and meat are included in the home-cooked meals and many nutrients are used to maintain good health. Despite knowing all this, many people still prefer fast food.Most of them, especially those who work long time in offices, etc.They  do not have time to arrange a good meal, so they go to the nearest restaurant or place an order to get the delivery done by the restaurant. Perform easily.

Another reason is that most countries have a young population so they spend a lot of money on fast food. Fast food culture first became popular in the United States in the 1950s and now MNCs like Third World That is promoting various fast food trends in Pakistan which is having a negative impact on public health.

There are now many types of food and beverage firms in Pakistan including full delivery service restaurants, traditional food restaurants, fast food restaurants, dhabas, stalls and grocery stores.

Eating fast food becomes the reason of various diseases in a man's life. Obesity, obesity, muscle and kidney diseases, sexual dysfunction, asthma and liver diseases are caused by regular consumption of fast food. do not have

Obesity is very common in young people, especially girls, due to the growing trend of fast food. control your eating habits if they want to look smart. Avoid fast food. It is not wise to compromise on health for a few minutes of rest and enjoyment. Medical experts also recommend avoiding high-speed fast foods, as they contain a significant amount of calories. For them, the situation is so disturbing that a child or young person whose body is still undergoing development should give preference to cold drinks over milk and burgers.

Fast food culture is a big threat to the health of our youth. There is a need to spread awareness among the youth and to prevent this it is necessary for parents, teachers and other esteemed members of the society to make the youth aware of its disadvantages and keep it simple and traditional. Encourage meals, especially home-cooked meals. Young people should use fresh vegetables, fruits, milk and various nutritious foods in their daily diet. Make regular exercise a part of your life, Because there is no greater blessing than health.


A Blog and Content writer

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