Which month is the month of Allah & its blessings

 Muharram is the first Islamic month and the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a great story of courage, love, determination, perseverance and perseverance of truth. Hussein's philosophy needs to be inculcated in the hearts and minds of Muslims. On the same day a new shroud was placed on the Ka'bah and the Quraysh used to fast on that day. Not only the Quraysh but all the people of Makkah were convinced of the respect and reverence of Prophet Ibrahim (sws) for this day. It has also been the custom of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that the Quraysh used to do better deeds than the people of Ibraheem. He used to fast Ashura with the Quraysh. But others did not order it. On the contrary, Muslims have been told to fast on 10-9 or 11-10 Muharram so that they do not resemble the Jews. Blessed is the historical day in which Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and his people were saved from the Pharaoh by the Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him). Historical traditions and books clearly indicate that the great and great events of the world took place on the day of Ashura, the tenth of Muharram.

Great events of the world on 10th Muharram

On the day of Ashura itself, the heavens and the earth, the pen and Hazrat Adam (as) were created.
On the same day, the repentance of Adam (peace be upon him) was accepted.
On the same day, Hazrat Idris (as) was taken up to heaven.
On this day, the ark of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) was saved from the terrible flood and anchored on Mount Judi.
On the same day, Hazrat Ibrahim (as) was made “Khalil” and fire was kindled on him.
On the same day, Hazrat Ismail (as) was born.
On this day, Hazrat Yusuf (as) was released from prison and got the government of Egypt.
On the same day, Hazrat Yusuf (as) met Hazrat Yaqub (as) after a long time.
On that day, Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and his people Israel were saved from the tyranny of Pharaon.
On the same day, the Toraat was revealed to Prophet Moses (peace be upon him).
On that day Hazrat Suleman (PBUH) got the kingdom back.
On the same day, Hazrat Ayub (as) was cured of a serious illness.
On the same day, Hazrat Yunus (as) was expelled after staying in the stomach of a fish for forty days.
On the same day, the repentance of the people of Hazrat Yunus (as) was accepted and the torment was averted from them.
On the same day Jesus (pbuh) was born.
On the same day Jesus (pbuh) was saved from the evils of the Jews and was taken up to heaven.
On that day the first rain of mercy fell on the world.
On the same day, the Quraysh used to cover the Ka'bah with a new shroud.
On the same day, Hazrat Muhammad married Hazrat Khadija Al-Kubra.
On the same day, Kofi deceivers martyred the grandson of Rasool Jagar Gosha Batool in the field of Karbala.
And the Hour will come on that day

A Blog and Content writer

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