The islamic month of ''SAFAR'' and its misconceptions

 Safar is the second month of the lunar calendar and the second pearl in the series of Islamic months. Even before the advent of Islam, the name of this month was safar. Islam retained its name. It is called "Safar Al-Muzaffar" to dispel misconceptions and superstitions about this month. Before Islam, the people  considered the month of Safar to be inauspicious and considered it bad to travel in it. When the month of safar began, it was considered ominous. In the month of Safar, when war and strife resumed, the Arabs would go to war and leave their homes empty, hence the name Safar (meaning empty). Purpose Even in today's conscious society, many people are suffering from such superstitions due to ignorance about the month of Safar and distance from religion which has nothing to do with Islam. This is the month when superstitious people call marriage a bad omen. They do not start any work like business etc., do not give leave to girls, there are many other things of this kind which they refrain from doing. They believe that every work that is started in this month is devoid of ominous blessings.

Undoubtedly, the Creator of every moment of the month and year, night and day and time is the Lord of Glory, and the Almighty has not declared any day, month or hour as ominous. In fact, such superstitious ideas entered the society through non-Muslim nations and pre-Islamic polytheists, and today the same corrupt ideas have entered the Muslim nations, while the bright pages of Islam are free from such superstitions. There is no place in Islam for any time to be considered as inauspicious, but to call a day or a month as inauspicious is in fact tantamount to inflicting defects and defects in the time created by the Lord of Glory, which consists of night and day. Almighty Allah says, “Son of Adam hurts me. He calls time (day, month, year) bad even though I am in time (time), the kingdom is in my hands, I am the one who changes day and night. From this it is known that day and night are created by the Almighty. To blame someone is to find fault with the workmanship of the Creator and Master. In a hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about trust: “Know! If people come together to do you some good, they will do you no good, except what He has decreed for you. And if the people come together to harm you, they will not harm you except what Allah has decreed for you. ” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Taking bad omens is shirk, taking bad omens is shirk, taking bad omens is shirk” In another hadith, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: From this it became clear that it is strictly forbidden in the Shari'ah to think bad omen. Therefore, refraining from getting married in this month, considering the month of Safar as inauspicious, is a polytheistic act according to the hadiths, which must be avoided in all cases. Some women and men celebrate the last Wednesday of Safar Al-Muzaffar like Eid, which is why it is said that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) recovered on the last Wednesday and went out for leisure. However, the origin of this claim is not in the hadith nor in the history books. In the subcontinent, the month of Safar is also called the month of the thirteenth fast. Those who say so think or think that the first 13 days of this month are very ominous. 

There is a saying that if there is any disease in these days then the patient survives with difficulty or the disease in this month proves to be fatal or severe. While all these things have been spread among the people. They are mere fabrications, fabrications and innovations and additions to the Hanif religion, they have no justification in the Shari'ah. All the rules of Islam have come to fruition. And there is no place for superstitions and innovations in this religion. Now there is no so-called religious scholar, mufti or muhaddith who mixes the poison of innovations and superstitions in this clear and transparent spring of religion but it is unfortunate that Satan and his followers have confused this pure religion with misguidance and ignorance and He left no stone unturned to dispel superstitions. The religion of Islam has given perfect guidance to man at every level. Faith, belief and trust in the essence of Almighty God requires that the belief that everything is from Him should be firmly established in the heart and mind of man. The doctrine of misfortune and superstition is in fact a completely un-Islamic thought and a complete contradiction of Islamic teachings. We must remember that we can please our Creator and Master if we follow and follow His instructions and teachings and never give preference to our own desires and superstitions over Shariah and Sunnah. ۔


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