fastest ways to cure a cough

 fastest ways to cure a cough

Cough is a common disease that affects people of all ages. Sometimes climate change and sometimes carelessness in eating and drinking, sometimes epidemic diseases and environmental pollution etc. cause cough in any season. Here are some useful home remedies to get rid of cough.

These are available in our homes and kitchens. Turmeric is useful for cough. Take a cup of hot water and add a teaspoon of turmeric and a little black pepper. Cinnamon can also be added. Boil them five minutes and add one teaspoon. Mix honey and drink it warm.

Herbal tea

Boil  a glass of water with  turmeric powder and a teaspoon of celery. When half glass is left, add one teaspoon of honey and sweeten it.Use it two to three times a day .It is useful in relieving cough. Turmeric powder is also used for cough. For this purpose, fry turmeric on the stove and grind it into fine powder. Take one teaspoon of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of honey in water as required and mix it. Use it twice a day.


Cut fresh ginger into small pieces. Put it in a 1 glass water and heat it. Drink it when you feel cold. This sound is useful for sedation and non-stop cough.You can also used Honey and lemon juice  in it. Chewing small pieces of fresh ginger is useful in relieving cough.


Garlic is good for cough. Garlic has both anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Take 3 cloves of garlic in a glass of water and boil the water. A little basil leaves Add them too. Let them cook well. When the water is half left, take them off the stove and let them cool down.

Then add honey and use it. Use two to three times a day and get benefits. Eating one or two drops of  also relieves cough.Use of onion juice and a teaspoon of honey together  relieves  your cough.

clears the throat

Use onion, honey  in equal weight and boiling them three to four times a day.It is useful in preventing dry cough and its after effects. Milk and honey can be use for dry cough and Relieves chest pain. It also prevents persistent cough.


Nature also has many healing properties in grapes. It is useful in expelling mucus. The grapes are much effective to relieves shortness of breath.


A Blog and Content writer

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