Eastern minds are slaves of the western world

Eastern minds are slaves of the western world

 Allah Almighty has made man intellectually strong and powerful. If a person uses his intellect in the true sense, then he can see his power and wisdom in everything created by Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty has created many things which human intellect is unable to know about their existence and perfections. Allah gave man the divine knowledge that He wanted to give him through His messengers and prophets.

Heavenly knowledge began with the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and ended with the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The religion of Muhammad is the complete religion. The responsibility of preaching this religion lies with Muhammad (peace be upon him) as well as the Ummah. With this in mind, various religious leaders have preached and are preaching the religion.

Muhammad bin Qasim spread Islam to the subcontinent and Muslims ruled the subcontinent for many years. Which is a matter of pride. The fragmentation of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of Western rule in the subcontinent was the basis. Whenever Muslims came to power, the main reason is Islam and many reasons for its decline. Father murder and many such incidents are found in history.

The second major cause of decline is luxury and mental slavery. One of the salient features of Western civilization is that it inevitably leaves its mark. Its effect may last forever. That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. Which is and should be a source of pride for the West. This is the reason for the humiliation of the East. The Western world was to some extent involved in dividing the Ottoman Empire into smaller pieces. That is why the whole of Arabia seems to be a slave to the Western world. The land is certainly a holy land for the Arab Muslim world, but perhaps Allah has deprived the Arab world of the representation of Muslims.

The land of Arabia is the land where the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived the most difficult life which is a beacon for all humanity. On this earth, Muhammad (peace be upon him) faced many difficulties for the Muslim Ummah and even shed blood.

Why is Arab land being used against Muslims? Why were bars opened there? What if it is not slavery to the West? Didn't the Arabs have to keep this holy land free from such filth? The Arabs have failed and are now suffering the consequences.

Speaking of Pakistan, the situation looks very bad.When the British introduced other regional languages ​​to eradicate Persian, various tribes and states welcomed it. They did not know that most of their intellectual wealth would be lost in Persian. Along with the language, they lost their culture and influence.The people of the subcontinent seem to be more mentally enslaved than other regions.

It has been seventy years since the British withdrew from the subcontinent, but their influence is still considerable. The country's system was run on the rules and regulations made by them. The architects of the future are being educated under the education system they have created. The word justice is being desecrated in the name of justice through the judicial system they have created. The economy is being run under the economic system they have created.The criminal system is also being run under their control. Governments are asked to compete with the world.

 There is no doubt that in order to compete with the world, one has to think two steps ahead, but this does not mean that one should give up one's ideology, beliefs and customs. Today, every country declares itself to be a free and independent country, which is probably wrong.Because an independent state means freedom of ideology, culture, religion, foreign policy and legislation which is not seen in many so-called independent countries. This is the slavery of the western world.

 The history of the Muslim world is full of people who changed the world order. The whole world benefited from such scholarly services and many such philosophers, scientists and intellectuals who are still looked upon with respect by the world.

Given our history, we need to think about whether we should be enslaved by the Western world. Can't we be the servants of the world again? And finally, are we really a free country?


A Blog and Content writer


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