Miracles and proofs of the Holy Prophet

 Miracles and proofs of the Holy Prophet

Miracle definition:

Miracle is an Arabic word. Its addition is a miracle. The meaning of this word is a strange thing. The word is explained in the dictionary as follows: But not able. " (Single dictionary)

Types of miracles:

Muhammad, the Messenger of God, was sent as a prophet and messenger to the whole world until the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, the Almighty has given you miracles, proofs and proofs from all over the world. So that everything in the world can be a proof of his prophethood and prophethood. The miracles and proofs of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are of two kinds: one rational and the other sensory. Matters that are perceived by the senses are often sought after by people who do not have the manners to understand rational principles or are stubborn and stubborn. " (Seerat Mustafa (peace be upon him), 3/393)

Following these introductory remarks, some of the miracles, arguments and proofs of the Holy Prophet are being presented. Your greatest miracle is the Holy Qur'an. The Arabs, who were very proud of their eloquence and eloquence, were challenged in the Holy Qur'an. If they are in doubt about the revelation of the Holy Qur'an from Allah and they say that (may Allah be pleased with them) this is the word of Muhammad So present a surah like one of its suras

Once the Holy Prophet (sws) was giving a sermon to a member on Friday. A man stood up and asked for prayers, mentioning the famine situation. He prayed and it rained heavily till next Friday. The next Friday, someone said: O Messenger of Allah! All roads are closed (due to heavy rains). Then he prayed and the rain stopped. (Bukhari: 1029)

In the beginning, in Masjid Nabavi, there were pillars of palm trunks. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to deliver a sermon leaning against a pillar of dry palm. An Ansari Sahabiya (or Sahabi) made a pulpit with his permission and placed it in the mosque. He ascended the pulpit to deliver the sermon. So the trunk they used to lean on began to bulge like a child. He came down from the pulpit and held it to his chest. So she stopped crying. (Bukhari: 3584)

On the day of the Battle of Badr, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had pointed out to many polytheists in Makkah that they would be killed and fall in such and such places. All of them were found killed in the places which he had pointed out. (Sahih Muslim: 1779)

The disbelievers of Makkah planned to attack Madinah with a large army. After consultation, it was decided to dig a trench around Madinah to protect them. The Companions were digging trenches. A large rock was found in the ditch, which they failed to break. He reported it to the Holy Prophet. He hit it with a hoe and the rock became sand. (Bukhari: 4101)

While digging the trench, Jabir noticed the intensity of the Prophet's hunger. When they invited you to dinner. So he called a thousand Companions who were digging trenches. Short barley flour loaves and a kid was slaughtered in the meal. Then he said: You eat and give gifts. Because people are hungry. (Bukhari: 4101)

This incident took place at the time of Hudaybiyyah peace. At that time there were 1400 Companions. There was a well. They drew water from it and not a drop of water remained in it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the mouth of the well, asked for water, opened it and put it in the well. He stayed for a while. (After that, the well was filled with water.) Then the Companions drank water and also watered their riders. (Bukhari: 3577)

Once it was time for prayers. Those who were near the house performed ablution at their house. While other gentlemen were without ablution. Then some water was brought to the Holy Prophet in a vessel. He placed his blessed hand in it. Then the Companions were ordered to perform Wudhu. Water was gushing from between his fingers like a fountain. The rest of the people performed ablution. According to a tradition, their number was eighty. (Bukhari: 3575/169)

After the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) only pointed to the idols in the Ka'bah and they all fell on their faces. At that time he was reciting the verse: "Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood was about to vanish." (Bukhari: 4287)

In Gaza Haneen, the Holy Prophet took a handful of sand and threw it at the enemy army. Then Allah defeated the enemies. Some disbelievers were saying that the sand went into their eyes. Allah revealed the following verse concerning this incident: You weren't throwing; God was throwing. " (Al-Anfal: 17)

In Khyber, a Jewish woman offered roasted mutton in the service of the Holy Prophet. He and his companions ate them. Then (immediately) he said: Raise your hand from (food) (stop) Because this meat has told me that it is poisonous. (Sunan Abu Dawood: 4512)

Once the Holy Prophet (sws) climbed Mount Uhud with Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Uthman. The mountain began to shake violently. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Stop! You have one Prophet, one Siddiq and two martyrs.”

The Holy Prophet (sws) said about Hazrat Hassan: "This son of mine is the chief. This prediction came true when Hassan made peace with Muawiyah. (Bukhari: 3629)

In the battle of Khyber, Ali (RA) was suffering from conjunctivitis. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) put burning saliva in their eyes and prayed for them. Then he got better. It seemed that there was no pain in his eyes. (Bukhari: 4210)

Hazrat Qatadah bin Nu'man's eye came out of the eye box. Then the Holy Prophet put his eye back in the eye of the beholder. That eye became better than the other eye. (Biography of Ibn Ishaq: 1/328)

Hazrat Jabir's father Abdullah was martyred in the battle of Uhud. They were indebted to the Jews. They had nothing but palm groves. There were not enough dates in this garden to pay off their debts. Then, at the request of Jabir, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) visited his garden. He walked around the palm groves and said: Block the debtors and repay the debt! After repaying the loan, only as many palms were left as were paid to these creditors. (Bukhari: 3580)

One person converted to Islam. Then he became an apostate and used to say to the people: "Muhammad (peace be upon him) knows nothing but what I have written for him." When he died So his companions buried him again and again, but the earth repeatedly buried his body


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