The virtue of prayer and its acceptance

The virtue of prayer and its acceptance

 Islam is a religion of peace and security. Its principles are simple and easy to understand. And they teach mankind a lesson of guidance. It is a religion that creates a direct relationship between God and the servant. ۔ He immediately responds to the call of the servant. It is needed. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Pray to Me, and I will answer.” When my servants ask you about me (where I am), I am close to them. I answer the call of the caller. Believe in Me so that you may prosper (Al-Baqarah: 186).

This is the house of worldly troubles and trials. Here man is exposed to all kinds of good and bad situations. Therefore, it is natural for the ups and downs of life to be frightened by the failures and disappointments of the revolutionary age. According to Ghalib.

کیوں گردش مدام سے گھبرانہ جائے دل
انسان ہوں پیالہ و ساغر نہیں ہوں میں

But in such a heartbreaking situation, God has given man the support of prayer that when he cries out to God in a world of trouble, he finds peace. Because God Almighty is man's true friend who helps him every moment. He said: "Keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and hold fast to it. He is your friend, so what a good friend and what a good helper!" Do it while you are sure that it will be accepted. ”(Ahmad Abu Daud Nisa'i) said:

ہم تو مائل بہ کرم ہیں کوئی سائل ہی نہیں
راہ دکھلائیں کسے کوئی راہ رو منزل ہی نہیں

But the question arises that people keep asking for prayers from God, but they ask for prayers with great humility and humility. Then what is the reason that most people's prayers are not accepted and they fail to achieve their goals? The answer is that there is no doubt that du'aa 'is accepted in principle, but there are some conditions and there are some cases which have been written by the scholars in which form du'aa' is accepted which are as follows.

Acceptance of du'aa ' Is made of and he says; or aa or aa then how can his prayer be accepted? Unless he repents of eating haraam food and the second condition is that before praying, one should repent and seek forgiveness from God Almighty, repent of one's sins and commit not to do them again. And the second case is that if the Almighty, on the basis of his knowledge of the environment, thinks that if the given thing is given then it is harmful for the supplicant. So something else is given in return for this thing. Which is better than that. And the third case is that this supplication is stored in the hereafter that its reward will be given in the hereafter They are erased or their ranks are raised or any calamity or calamity that was to befall this person is averted. He himself said, "Pray to me and I will accept" (Sharh Aqeed by Allama Taftazani).

It should be noted that the conditions of prayer that have been put in writing do not necessarily mean that a sinful person cannot even pray to God that a person is immersed in sins day and night thinking that I am a sinner and I do not know God Almighty. I also hear that he does not pray to God. This is wrong. The mercy of God is even more attracted towards the sinner if he prays sincerely. If I find that his sins cover the distance between the heavens and the earth, I will forgive him, provided he does not associate partners with me. In any case, God's mercy is directed towards the sinner as it is towards a righteous person. However, it is necessary to take care of all the etiquettes of prayer. It is true that he embraces even the greatest sinner in his arms.


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