God and the Messenger of God

God and the Messenger of God

 When the Creator of the earth created the Throne, the sky, the safe tablet, the sun, the moon and the stars, the paradise of hell, the world of Barzakh, the trees, the mountains, the sea, the desert, the river, the rivers, the lakes, the waterfalls, the rivers, the waterfalls, the flower gardens, the birds, the birds The earth and the sea creatures, the mountain ranges, the icebergs, the giant tree covered with the stars of the sky, the eighteen thousand worlds, full of colors, fragrances and pleasures, the fruit of beauty and beauty, full of love, has created this universe. Now let him express his caste and make the remembrance and name of his beloved Kareem famous in the four worlds. Then he wrote the name of his Beloved on the Throne with his name on it. Therefore, the universe was decorated like a bride and then the creator of the universe created Adam with his own hands and his good fortune in the sacred jaws of his beloved. Keep the light of B. Because the Beloved and the Supreme Being is sent in the end, the reason is that one cannot be separated from the Beloved for a long time. By the time I came to Noor Mohammadi, all the great human beings who were transmitted were of high lineage, dignity and respect. Every moment of his life was free from sins because Almighty God is pure and He loves only pure people. He said, "I have appeared in marriage and not in an illegitimate way. From Adam to the time my father and mother gave birth to me, I have not been touched by anything wrong with the age of ignorance. The scholars are of the opinion that All the Prophets and Prophets of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in their belief were chosen by the Prophets from all the servants. They believed in Resurrection. There comes the one who is pure and the best, the one who is superior and is free from every defect so that people may bow before him and listen to his words carefully and act upon them. God loves his beloved very much. Oh dear, if I had not created you, I would not have created the whole world, that is, if I had not intended to express my love for you, I would never have created the throne and the floor. He made His Beloved more glorious and chosen than all the Prophets. When the Lord of Glory decorated the gathering of all souls, He took the promise and confession of His Oneness from all souls and said: Verse No. 81 of Surah Imran: Helping them with all their heart and soul, believing in them, Irshad Grami was heard and accepted by all the Holy Prophets and also promised obedience. Blessed with human clothing, he was our father, Adam, and then when Adam tasted the forbidden fruit, he was sent down to earth, disobeying the command of the Lord, and then God Almighty He also sent the love and affection of the Beloved from the heavens to the earth so that every particle of the universe would become fragrant and bright. Hazrat Adam was very ashamed and mourned because of this disobedience. Weeping and wailing and repenting but repentance was not accepted. You were engaged in weeping day and night and then God had mercy on them and then Hazrat Adam prayed by this name: O my Lord! Forgive and forgive me with your name which is pure in the name of your Beloved. Forgive me for your charity. As soon as I prayed with this name, the moment of acceptance came and the door of repentance was opened. The Holy Name was the first manifestation of mercy through which the Lord of the universe began to forgive the sins and transgressions of human beings. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): O people! When the time came, believe in them, and in every age the Prophets used to pray to Allah in this way: Take it and make us a follower of your Beloved. Beloved always comes last and then there is no need for anyone to come after it has come. Sent to the Beloved and kept his own name The Beloved of the Beloved says: The Day of Resurrection will be fifty thousand years, the reckoning will end in just four hours, the rest of the time will be spent in praising the Prophet, when Wherever God Almighty has given color and fragrance to this place, the fountains of love and affection have started bursting all around, then the Creator of the earth and the universe has said in the Holy Quran: O People of the Book! Surely Our Messenger has come to you, revealing to you many things which you hid in the Book and forgiving you many. In the Glorious Qur'an, in Surah Al-Imran, it is said: And remember when he took a covenant from the Prophets, saying: I will give you the Book and the Wisdom, and then the Messenger will come to you confirming what is in your book; Believing and of course


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