The interconnectedness of the human brain and the computer &its similarities

 In the world of technology, innovation is increasing day by day.The summit has come into the hands of human beings, now what could be more than that instead of saying or writing something just thinking computer will start our desired work. In the world of computer such a revolution is going to come after human The brain and the computer will be connected to each other and our thinking will work, according to a report. Will install the chip, after which the brain and chip will be connected to each other and will start working without any command just by thinking. According to the report, NeuraLink has developed a neural implant without any external hardware. Wireless can broadcast the activity going on inside the brain. In an interview, Alan Musk said that the experiment of implanting a chip in the brain of monkeys has been successful. After experimenting on monkeys, we can say that this technique is safe and reliable. He said that the NeuraLink device can be safely installed and removed. This technique can be very useful for people who suffer from spinal problems and have been bedridden for a long time. "I think we have the opportunity to empower someone who He said that NeuraLink had installed its chip in a monkey's brain in April 2021, after which the monkey was able to use its brain to play video games. The device installed in the monkey's brain provided information while playing which helped him to know how to move during the game. It has been playing video games ever since. Note that NeuraLink is a chip attached to small elastic threads, which is inserted into the brain by a robot. This device detects the waves generated by the brain and connects to it and starts working according to the thinking.

human brain and computer similarities

Both transmit information
Both can adapt and learn
Both can change and be modified
Both need energy

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