Islamic rulers take steps to build Babri Masjid


Babri Mosque was built in 1928-29 in Ayodhya,India on the order of Mughal Emperor Baber.The mosque was attacked by a Hindu nationalist mob in 6 DEC 1992.A large group of Hindu activists demolished the mosque.
Allah says in the Holy Qur'aan, "The mosques of Allah are inhabited only by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day." In the same way, Allah the Exalted said: Who is more unjust than those who prevent people from worshiping in the mosques of Allah and Hazrat Khatam-ul-Anbiya Muhammad Mustafa said: He laid a brick as if he had made his home in heaven. There are also places of worship for Jews, Christians and polytheistic Hindus. When Hazrat Rasool Akram migrated from Makkah to Madinah, he built the first mosque for Muslims to worship Allah Almighty, which was built on piety, which has the honor of being the first mosque in Islam. ۔ The House of Ka'bah was built by Hazrat Ismael (as) on a definite and definite basis. Allah commanded His two Prophets Abrahim (peace be upon him) and Ishmael (peace be upon him) to cleanse my house of those who circumambulate it, those who observe I'tikaaf and those who bow and prostrate. After visiting Madinah, Sayyid al-Anbiya built the Prophet's Mosque, which is the second largest mosque in the world in terms of status, and by the command of Allah Almighty issued special rules for mosques. According to the narration, when Hazrat Ibrahim (as) completed the construction of the Ka'bah, he asked his Lord about the remaining pebbles, what should I do? While throwing the pebbles in the air. By the command of Allah, those pebbles fall all over the world, wherever they fall, they are reserved for mosques till the Day of Resurrection. Of course, if it is rebuilt many times, it will remain a mosque.

When the Mughal Muslim kings ruled in the land of India, they built magnificent mosques in various places which are masterpieces of architecture. Worship continued for hundreds of years, but since Narendra Modi took over the power of the provincial and central governments, he has formed a group of violent Hindus who, at his behest, have been massacring not only Indian Muslims but their religious followers. The campaign to demolish places, especially mosques, and build temples on the site is continuing. One of its most persecuted mosques is the Babri Masjid, which was not only martyred by fanatical Hindu terrorists but also hurt the hearts of all Muslims in the Islamic world by allowing the Supreme Court of India to build a temple there. He has also committed an unforgivable crime of building a temple and idol house on this place by martyring a mosque. Most of the Hindus who martyred this mosque have become the object of divine punishment and have become a lesson for the people of the world. Protests and rallies against the Modi government continue to this day all over the world. Another year has passed since the martyrdom of this Babri Masjid. The Muslim world has not forgotten the martyrdom of this great mosque. But that mosque will not be rebuilt.

Pakistan has not only raised this issue at the international level many times and protested but it will not creep into the ears of Modi government. All the rulers of the Islamic world, and especially the heads of the Arab countries who are in favor of Modi, should force the world's greatest tyrant Modi to build the Babri Masjid so that the house of Allah Almighty can be rebuilt for the worship of Allah. To be used and temples and idols to be destroyed. This is possible with the mutual unity and solidarity of the Muslims.


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