Disability relief from Polio Vaccine

 Awareness of the disease is essential to protect the new generation from disability due to the dangerous polio virus and to ensure the eradication of the polio virus from the world. The only cure for this dangerous disease is two drops of the polio vaccine administered as a precautionary measure. Regular feeding of children under the age of five kills the potential virus and children are always protected from this disease. While there is no cure for the disease after being infected with the deadly polio virus, the sufferer becomes a lifelong burden on his family and society and if the infected person is a daughter, the parents will cry for the rest of their lives. Can't do anything According to health experts, the dangerous polio virus (Poliomyelitis) destroys the nervous system and cripples a person for life by paralyzing his legs. Polio is a contagious disease. The virus enters in the body through the mouth and it grows in the intestines. And the number of this virus increases many times in the body. The virus is usually spread through contact with an infected person's poop (gas released from the stomach), which contaminates everything and can be easily excreted from the infected person's body. It enters another human body. It can also be spread through sneezing or coughing of an infected person. The contagious polio virus affects the brain and spinal cord of an infected person or child. The virus mainly affects children up to the age of five years. Initially, fever, headache, vomiting, stiff neck and leg pain are common symptoms.

Polio vaccine

The polio vaccine was first widely tested in the United States on April 25, 1954, to prevent the disease and to protect people from disability caused by the disease. The vaccine has been successful from 80 to 90. On the same day, the US government approved its general use. UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the CDC and Rotary International are the four largest donors in the world. Polio will be eradicated from the world as soon as possible. In 1988, more than 350,000 children became disabled with polio in 125 countries. This year, a total of 160 patients were confirmed in these three countries, while 406 patients were reported worldwide this year. Thanks to this polio vaccine, polio has been eradicated from the world up to 99% from 1988 to 2020 and thus 10 million children have been saved from becoming disabled. There is no doubt that the government of Pakistan is making serious efforts for the complete eradication of polio. The Government of Pakistan is conducting "National Polio Eradication Campaign" (NIDs) every three months for all children under the age of five. Many foreign and local organizations, including UNICEF, the World Health Organization, Rotary, the Red Cross and Red Crescent, and other humanitarian groups, are helping to plan and implement these campaigns. And every effort is being made to reach out to children who have been deprived of immunizations in the past due to security concerns, family refusal or other reasons, such children are most likely to get polio. There are. These campaigns, in collaboration with international organizations, will continue until polio eradication from Pakistan and around the world is possible. The people should also cooperate in eradicating polio along with the efforts made at the government level for the eradication of polio. The vaccine is safe for all children, and every dose strengthens the child's immune system against polio. . Of course, due to better hygiene management, many diseases can be prevented.


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