4 Tips to Keep the children away from mobile phones

 Everyone needs a mobile phone but not children. Where the baby starts to cry or stubborn, the mother immediately grabs the mobile phone in the hands of the children and gives them cartoons or any movie or drama of their choice, which makes the child more irritable and the mother understands. That the children have become stubborn.

 While mobile use is positive for children's information, it also has many negative effects. Morals and behaviors are bad for children due to the use of mobile phones as well as their language is bad and some health related problems also arise.

 In this age of increasing technology, if you use mobile properly, it is better for your future and the future of your children. Today we are going to tell you some ways in which you can keep your children away from mobile use:


Spend time with them

Along with your children's education, spend time with them, give them time, play with them, don't make them feel lonely. When you are working, let the children play any game of their choice, even if they make noise in it, do not forbid the children to stay away from the mobile.

 ludo games and carom board games

Games like ludo games and carom board games are played by children on mobiles, it is better that you play them on board and teach children so that children can play games with mental test and also avoid mobiles.

Try cooking recipies

Kids love foods like sandwiches and macaroni. Sometimes let the children make the sandwiches themselves, keep all the things with them and tell them how the sandwich is made or whatever food they like, make the recipe together with the children so that the children can also eat and cook. Will be interested.

Family parks 

Family parks are great for educating children and keeping their minds occupied, so take your children there for a walk in the evening or at night.
Set aside just one hour for mobile and then monitor it with your child. Try to place the mobile in the mobile stand so that the child does not hold the mobile in his hand and does not use it lying down. Don't give a crying baby a mobile phone, try to explain his stubbornness.

A Blog and Content writer

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