Perfect resemblance between human and computer

Perfect resemblance between human and computer

 The Qur'an al-Hakim has repeatedly urged man to consider the soul and the universe for the sake of knowing the truth. He said: Allah has created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in truth and for a term appointed, but most of the people are deniers of the meeting with their Lord. ” In addition to the creatures of the Almighty, there are also things that man has created. In the human creation, the computer is an object that has been created with the human structure in mind, that is, it has tried to incorporate as much as possible all the components that are present inside the human being. So the computer is expected to work like a human. There is no doubt that the computer is the lifeless shadow of man and there is a difference between heaven and earth but there are some similarities between the opposite and the opposite.

Regarding the human soul, Allah has said: Gave a sense of distinction between good and evil. It's like downloading a lot of useful software to work on a computer that may not be visible, but without them the computer cannot work. For the convenience of the user, these comfortable software automatically perform a number of additional services that are not regularly requested, such as creating your own backup file on the job so that there is no interruption. Token before deleting, is it really worth it? And to carry out the order only after the confirmation of the user. Assist the user to return to the feeling of remorse after making a mistake. For the convenience of the people, keep correcting the spelling or grammatical errors while working. If you are looking for a file, find it with the help of words and present it and so on.

Along with these useful programs, many malicious viruses are also sneaked into the system without permission. The followers of Iblees, who create and spread the virus, do what Iblis had asked for permission when he was in Dargah: "Give me respite till the Day of Resurrection". He said: So I will follow your straight path as you have led me astray. After that I will come from the front, back and right and left and you will not be able to thank the majority. There is a statement of truth against this claim: "Surely you have no power over My true servants and your Lord is sufficient as a Protector over them." Verily, the Lord of the universe is the Guardian of the righteous.

Humans have to make anti-virus to protect their computer by eradicating the virus. The denial of anti-virus in computer law is like a very insecure atheist. Those who use poor antivirus are like the weak-supported Kafir polytheists who suffer from artificial satisfaction. The strongest inspired anti-virus tool to keep the computer right is the case of the believer. What is special about a computer is that it does not have two antiviruses working at the same time. With the arrival of the second, the first is automatically terminated and does not take effect until the first is removed. The common denominator between the human soul and the computer is the denial of false gods before believing in Allah.


A Blog and Content writer

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