The character is a diamond


The character is a diamond

This is a 1965 incident. An Indian industrialist went to Germany. There he had the opportunity to visit a factory. Despite the artisan not paying any attention, he continued his work. After a while, the lunch break bell rang. Now the artisan got up from his machines and started walking towards the dining hall. At that time the said artisan came to the Indian industrialist. He shook hands with the industrialist and then said with surprise: Do you talk to the artisans of your country while working? If I had answered your questions then I would have lost a few minutes and lost the company. Which meant the loss of the whole nation. We come here to benefit our country, not to harm the country.This is the character that is the secret of the development of the western nations. Every person there considers it his duty to do his job well. He considers himself subject to the nation. Where there is a conflict between caste and national interest, he prefers national interest and suppresses his personal desires.

 The nation is formed by the formation of the individual and the nation is corrupted by the degeneration of the individual. The case of the nation is the same as the case of the machine. The machine works properly when its parts are correct. In the same way, a nation is right when its people are doing the right thing. To make a machine is to make parts. To make a nation is to make people. Without the reform of the individual, the reform of the nation is as impossible as building a machine without producing parts.

The individual is made up of character. People generally consider only two types of people to be powerful. One who has a heap of material things. Others are grandfathers, but the biggest secret of power is character. Character is something that every human being can own. It does not have to be a material giant or a physical wrestler. There is a famous saying that when you inherit poverty and hardship. So make goodness and honor your capital. The high character is more precious than jewels, gold, silver, throne and the hard work put in its formation is most valuable. There is a famous saying that if you lose wealth then nothing is lost, if you lose health then nothing is lost, if you lose character then everything is gone.

A human being combines the essence of all his attributes then his character is formed and it is this character that distinguishes one human being from another human being. Man has his own character which creates a circle of sincere friends for him and it will be called the charisma of man's evil character that people start running away from his shadow.

The fact is that man builds his character, he spends every moment of his time building his character. His every good and bad deed builds his character. If a person is virtuous, his virtuousness creates a state of belief and determination in his language, and where faith and determination come, success comes in the same way as after the sun, after the light and after the water.

Dignity is the highest of all the attributes which are a combination of radiant character. One of the elders has said that power, goodness, understanding, truthfulness and love have no value without paying duty. Without it, the whole edifice of life is destroyed. Paying off debts is as important as paying off debts. The moral ruin of a person who is careless in performing his duty is certain. It is a pity that in the beloved country the payment of duty is not considered necessary and this disease is not limited to any particular class. The literate and the illiterate, the rich and the poor, the laborers and the owners all work recklessly in the discharge of their duties and the truth is that this is the biggest cause of our national decline. It is impossible to improve the condition of the country and the nation unless our youth make fulfillment of their duty their goal.

Fulfillment of a vow or promise is an important attribute for having a high role. When a person makes a promise to people and turns away from it, then he is considered unreliable in human society. Credibility is not based on verbal claims, nor is it based on one day. The greatest wealth in this world is trust. Trust is the substitute for everything. But trust in people's hearts can only be established if you keep your promises. When your language becomes the guarantee of your every agreement, then success kisses your steps in every field.

Truth is a very precious adornment in the attributes that adorn a character. Never let truth be lost in the hope of greed or fear. Because the only person who deserves to be called righteous is the one whose footsteps do not waver at the time of trial. Lies are common in our society. The importance of truth has been forgotten by the majority of society. The fact is that the greater the blessing in truth, the greater the loss in falsehood. We must try to avoid lying and to act truthfully in all matters of life.

Justice is the hallmark of human character. In fact, those people deserve to be called human beings whose friendship and favor or personal enmity and anger nothing can take them away from the straight path. Some will think that we need justice because we do not have to sit on the throne of the kingdom to pronounce judgments and never sit on the bench. But each of us must uphold justice in all areas of life. Because justice is needed in small matters

Honesty is an integral part of a good character. The man who adopts honesty develops his standard. Honesty is a great way of life and a bright path. By following this enlightened path we can succeed in this world and in the hereafter.

Your personal character has a good and bad effect on your life and your successes and failures depend on your personal character so keep reviewing your character. After reviewing your character, get acquainted with your personality. Examine your voice and your style of conversation. Test your habits and give up bad habits and adopt good habits. Keep your thoughts high and your character constructive. Set life goals and objectives. When we as individuals have a character and do our job properly like the parts of a machine, we will become a character nation.


A Blog and Content writer

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