The kindness of Dr. Qadeer Khan

The kindness of 

Dr. Qadeer Khan

 Whenever anything is written about the great personalities of Asia, the name of Dr. Qadeer Khan will be written in golden letters. Allama Muhammad Iqbal dreamed of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent. This dream was realized by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and saved the Muslims of the subcontinent from being enslaved by the British and Hindus and gave them an independent state of Pakistan. The feat of making this Islamic Republic of Pakistan a nuclear power was accomplished by Dr. Qadeer Khan, a famous son of Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal had said that it is very difficult to create a vision in the grass. ۔ No matter how much is written about Dr. Qadeer Khan or how many praises, awards and honors are given for his deeds. According to Ghalib:

The truth is that the truth has not been paid

Little did anyone know that a child born in the state of Bhopal in 1936 would one day be known all over the world. Hardly any country or person in the world is aware of the name of a young man or his deeds.Mothers always pray for the well-being and safety of their children but now their prayers include the prayer of forgiveness of Dr. Qadeer Khan and also the desire of their children to follow in their footsteps.

Dr. Qadeer Khan's family moved to Karachi after the formation of Pakistan. After graduating from Karachi University, Dr. Qadeer moved to West Germany where he lived from 1961 to 1963. He then moved to the Netherlands, where he got married to a family living in the Netherlands, where he earned a degree in special metallurgy from DELF's Technical University. DELF is a specialty university in the Netherlands, founded in 1905 to meet the needs of the twentieth century and consists of a faculty.

After graduating, he joined FJO, a commercial company in Balland. Stayed there till 75. This was the time when India had detonated a nuclear device. Meanwhile, Dr. Qadeer Khan met the then Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and at Bhutto's insistence Dr. Qadeer Khan left the Netherlands for Pakistan with a national spirit and was appointed Director Project in the Ministry of Finance and started work on Kahuta plant.

For a long time Western countries were unaware of the Kahuta plant's performance. The initial stages were completed with great silence and veiling. On October 12, 1978, an article appeared in an American newspaper that Pakistan had succeeded in producing uranium and would now carry out a nuclear explosion.It was also written in the article that Pakistan has also ordered 100 frequency transformers which shows that something is happening in Kahuta. The news itself was nothing short of an explosion. On March 28, 1978, it was reported on Dutch television that a Pakistani scientist had been able to obtain from a Dutch factory the technology used for uranium enrichment in collaboration with Britain, Germany and the Netherlands.The news caused a wave of concern in Western countries. West Germany was the biggest loser in the series, with the Netherlands failing to protect the secret.

The Netherlands sued Dr. Qadeer Khan and sent a court summons to the Pakistani Foreign Ministry, which was scheduled to appear in a Dutch court on October 31, 1983. The trial was held in the absence of Dr Qadeer Khan and on November 14, 1983, he was sentenced to four years. Which was advertised on radio, TV and in newspapers.He did not even imagine that a developing country like Pakistan could carry out a nuclear feat with its limited resources.

Dr. Qadeer Khan fought back on the charge of stealing uranium enrichment maps. His lawyer, SM Zafar, defended him in a Dutch court and he was eventually acquitted. This was a great victory of Dr. Qadeer Khan.

Now he was busy with his work with contented heart and mind. It is the result of their day and night work that Pakistan has moved away from nuclear technology to the age of missile technology. On April 7, 1998, India's surface-to-air missile was answered with a Ghauri missile. India detonated five nuclear warheads in the Pakhran desert on May 11, 1998, and in response, Pakistan detonated more nuclear warheads in Chaghi Balochistan, proving that Pakistan has become a nuclear power. A son of a developing country like Pakistan, despite being deprived of modern scientific resources, did a great job that astonished the developed countries and the name of Dr. Qadeer Khan became a shining example for those who came after him to struggle, believe, mature. Commitment and commitment to achieve the goal is successful. The Pakistani nation will never forget the kindness of Dr. Qadeer Khan.

On October 10, 2021, this great son of Pakistan left the entire nation in mourning and left for the land of non-existence. May Allah Almighty elevate the ranks of this benefactor of Pakistan and keep Pakistan established forever. Amen.


A Blog and Content writer

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