Reasons of Anemia in women

To identify poor eating habits in adolescent girls that can lead to malnutrition (mostly anemia) a very common nutritional deficiency in women of all ages, especially teenage girls. Increasing need, hematopoietic nutrients Adolescent girls are at higher risk of anemia due to low intake and low nutrient intake which increases the absorption of these hematopoietic nutrients. Sickness and mortality rates.

Our bodies need iron to function. By limiting the body's ability to carry and deliver oxygen, the cause of anemia is greatly reduced. Popular symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue and mood swings. Iron deficiency anemia is more common in girls than in boys. This is because girls have to go through menstruation. During this cycle they lose iron. Permanently losing iron and not replacing it with their diet results in anemia.

The following are the reasons that contribute to the spread of anemia in our country among teenage girls belonging to both low and high income families.

Physical problem

It is a condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are passed on from one generation to the next due to the lack of awareness and education of a particular group of people or society. 

More than physical health

It is not uncommon for food samples to be affected during this stage. The main reason is related to the changes in the structure of the body. In some cases, girls start fearing that they will gain weight and lose their personality. These foods are deficient in iron. As a result, the risk of anemia increases.

Mistreatment of girls

In Pakistan, unfortunately, there is a lot of discrimination between boys and girls. Because girls are not considered breadwinners, they are treated like second-class citizens. After men get their full share, girls are given less food or only leftovers. Elderly women psychologically train girls to eat less in order to gain sympathy from male members. This is also
done to show that they are not wasting money on their health. In our country, the gender gap is close to 70-90%. The right amount of food is missing and that is why the body is low in iron.

 Religious issues

Most of the time the symptoms are iron deficiency anemia in women. These include: extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, chest pain, headache / dizziness, cold hands and feet, abnormal cravings and broken nails. Since most doctors are male, women are reluctant to see them because of the "veil".

 Income problemsLow incomes make children malnourished. This means that they will lack both microscopes and micronutrients. In such cases, people do not eat nutritious foods.


Geographical issues

Unlike urban areas, more anemia cases are found in rural areas. This is because girls in rural areas do not take strong food or supplements to maintain their iron levels.

 Awareness matters

There is very little awareness about anemia, which is a decrease in the overall amount of RBC. Girls in this age group are not fully aware of the problems that their bodies face. This is because there is less awareness about iron deficiency anemia. Symptoms are constantly being ignored by girls and their diet is deficient in iron. They are not even aware of taking extra nutrients to overcome this deficiency.

 Medical issues

In some medical cases the body produces less RBC (aplastic anemia), the body lacks adequate healthy RBC (iron deficiency anemia), inherited RBC disease, scale cell anemia, less than normal hemoglobin ( THALASSEMIA) and low amounts of specific vitamins.


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