Twitter, Twitter space and its importance

Twitter is a microblogging platform. By the second quarter of 2021, Twitter had 206 million monetizable daily active users worldwide.

Twitter is a popular social network service that is constantly growing. As Twitter has become an effective platform as a new broad medium for advertising companies, it is clear that it is important to find influential Twitter users and measure their influence. Intuitively, users who have more followers are more likely to be influential. If we talk about politics and the political influence of Twitter, then Twitter is at the forefront. From Barack Obama to Donald Trump, just name a celebrity or political and religious leader you haven't met on Twitter!

Twitter began testing Spaces with a limited number of users in November 2020, but in April 2021, it began introducing this feature to iOS and Android Twitter users worldwide with 600 or more followers. Are Some users with less than 600 followers were also able to use the Twitter space option.

Twitter Space is a real game changer

Twitter space is a real game changer, affecting not only domestic politics but also the regional and international landscape. If we talk about Pakistan and India, people are using the space option for various reasons. Such as political point scoring, dating, hate speech, separatist movements, India vs Pakistan, cricket, social issues, awareness. Etc. The most interesting aspect that we will see in the election season when the political parties will use the Twitter space option for the election campaign. I have noticed some Twitter space in which more than a thousand participants were also speaking prominent political figures.

As an IT professional working in Switzerland, I am also hosting a Twitter space for sharing and learning together. I organize spaces mostly on weekends to promote the IT sector in Pakistan with the help of other great IT professionals from Pakistan and the rest of the world. That's enough for this time! But I will write about Twitter space, IT and other issues. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you.

A Blog and Content writer

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