The martyrdom of Caliph II Hazarat Umar Farooq

The martyrdom of Caliph II 

Hazarat Umar Farooq

Earlier, only seventeen people were educated in the land of Arabia, among them Hazarat Umar. You had a great deal of humor. At the concerts, he used to go to the ceremony. He was counted among the wealthy family of Arabia. He must have been in a very temperamental temperament in timely ignorance, but not at all. Before Kabul Islam, the Arab nation had a great deal of humor and demeanor. And that was why before bringing Islam, he viewed him with the honor of honor and respect. He was a very competent and intellectual personality. Earlier Islam could not get strength. And bringing Islam to Islam was a miracle and a miracle of the prayers of the Holy Prophet. Therefore, in the heart of Holly's prophet, the desire to believe strengthened that age. Hazarat Abu Bakr Siddiq appointed Hazarat Umar as his successor in the last days of his life and took opinion from the Companions. Will So Abu Bakr Siddique said that he is a difficult temperament.

But when he will become a caliph , he will soften. Hazarat Umar's choice is also necessary to protect Islam and the good of Muslims. Thus the Companions agreed with the opinion of Hazarat Abu Bakr Siddique. And then, the history of Islam proved that the decision of the Caliph first and the Companions were correct in the election of Hazarat Umar Farooq. When Hazarat Umar Farooq took over the Khilafah, there was no unique system in the Arab system then. Hazarat Umar Farooq divided the conquered areas into provinces, appointed him there, and gave them many powers. And they used to ask for these actions on the grievances of an ordinary man. And they could hold them accountable—completely restored respect for the law. And no one could sell it. The basic outline of the Khilafah Muslim -style government of Hazarat Umar Farooq (peace be upon him), established the Bolis' departments for peace. The Arab department was not familiar with the jail before his Caliphate. He established prisons, set up courts, and thus gave society a peaceful system. You have a variety of cases calculated. The discipline of the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith and the Sunnah are their covenant for all of them, Regularly arranged, Hazarat Umar was very close to the Holy Prophet. Hazarat Umar gave 3600 areas and had 900 mosques and 4000 ordinary mosques. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) made him a soldier of the Islamic forces several times, and he beat his enemies so that he used to flee the battlefield. - Therefore, after establishing the Caliphate's fairness in the true sense of Islam, you also created military camps. In the Caliphate of the 10 -year -old the first day of the Caliphate, they conquered several significant areas and the country.

Hazrat Sohaib offered the funeral prayer and was buried near the Holy Prophet. Set the example he used to say: if a hungry and thirsty dog died on the Euphrates River banks, his age would be accountable. And there are numerous examples of your justice, and you used to maintain fairness in your house too. The baby started crying, and When Hazarat Umar asked why, the woman replied, "O once in Amir al -mu'minin, it was passing through the garden of Bani Najar. I kept it hidden to avoid shame. I was born to me. He heard this incident and said to the woman, "You are not dispersed. Hearing the words of his son, his son was mistaken. He said to his son, "You have drunk. The son said," I have drunk, but I have repented. " And then Hazarat Umar said that he had done evil to a woman in a state of intoxication. He grabbed his son with a co-gorge that my son had committed a crime. He took his son to the mosque and ordered him to hit 100. And likewise, completed 100 hits to Abushah. They did not have the courage yet, and cries came out of their mouths, which disappeared into the atmosphere, or by saying Abi Islam Alaik, they fell, and their souls flew from this world. This is also a great example of justice. If I were still a ruler like Hazarat Umar Farooq, this country could form the most standard in the world, but it cannot be because of the corrupt bribery, blackmail, and sympathy for bullying. Politicians become compulsions, which is why no ruler can provide justice and justice like Hazarat Umar Farooq.


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