The common Intestinal diseases

 The common Intestinal         diseases

Some diseases are related to digestive diseases. They are called enteropathic arthritis. Such diseases also include Salmonella and Kilve Straidium, related to infection. These are caused by various parasites such as stomach insects and spondylitis; they are also caused by intestinal inflammation. In addition, some other diseases may also be affected.

The relationship between intestinal and joint diseases is not yet fully known. Increasing their ability to absorb due to intestinal inflammation can be one of the reasons causing bacteria to become absorbed and join the blood. Blood delivers them to the joints and muscles, which begins the process of inflammation in these places. At the same time, the second reason may be the body's immune system's reaction against bacterial substances. Patients with intestinal inflammation can suffer 10 to 20 percent of joint disease. In one million cases of ulcerative colitis (ulcerative colon), 6 to 8 patients can have joint disease, while about two million patients with Crohn's Disease (Crohn's disease) can suffer from joint disease. Intestinal swelling) (IBD disease is high in whites, while Jews are more prone to the disease, while IBD is mostly among more than 15-35 years of age. The pain begins gradually. The symptoms, especially in young patients, increase in the morning.

Sitting or standing for longer also increases the symptoms, while staying in motion for a while reduces the symptoms, but the symptoms of the joints and the symptoms of the intestinal disease have nothing to do with each other. A rhinoceros affects more than one joint. In addition to the joints in the IBD, the intestinal swelling disease, the following additional symptoms may contain. Symptoms of intestinal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, etc., can be found in the skin or reddish. There may be repeated ulcers in the mouth. There may also be inflammation in the eyes. Mild fever can also appear. It can also cover Intestinal inflammatory reactions. It can be extremely severe also and especially affects knees and ankles and occurs weeks or months after intestinal inflammation.

Bypassed. Many obese people have intestinal bypass surgery. Such people can have twenty to eight percent. This is usually between two months to twenty months after surgery. Although it is fine, it becomes permanent in about twenty-five percent of people. Sixty -eight percent of patients may have skin inflammation. The reason for this is to nurture bacteria in the bypassed intestine. If this bypass is removed, it is completely healed. The protein gluten causes celiac disease. It affects hips, joints, knees, and shoulders, while Whipple disease affects middle-aged men.


 Diseases and disorders of the small intestine are common in which we find Crohn's disease, celiac disease, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and irritable bowel syndrome. These may cause digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, or vomiting. We should be aware of these symptoms and See the joints, so there are no signs of inflammation. If there is inflammation, find out the pattern, and fever can also be an important symptom. Eye inspection is important for inflammation of the eyes and ulcers in the mouth. Evaluate the flexibility and harassment of the spinal cord.


Suppose intestinal swelling is treated with medicines and surgery. In that case, the joint disease also leads to a deficiency, but we should use IBD pain relief drugs carefully as they are likely to increase intestinal tract. Whipple disease is used for long-term antibiotics, while a gluten-free diet is used in celiac conditions. Moderate exercise is very important to restore spinal motion and stand upright.


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