Arrival of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) in this world

Arrival of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) in this world

The sacred House in which the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born, the name of this place in Islam is the name of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The State of Islam had built a wonderful building on this blessed monument, where the people of Herman Sharif and Muslims from all over the world used to hold festivals day and night and read Salam and Salam.

Rich people of Arabs used to send their children to the surrounding villages to breastfeed. In the clean climate of the villages, children's fitness and physical health were also good, and they also learned pure and eloquent Arabic language. The city's language did not live pure and eloquent language from the conversion of the outside men.

Hazrat Halima (RA) says that I went to Mecca in search of children who were breastfeeding with women of 'Bani Saad.' There was a very severe drought in Arabia this year, I had a baby in my lap, but because of poverty, I did not have enough milk in my breasts to make it. Through out the night, the baby was hungry and crying, and we used to spend all night sitting for his heartfelt and generosity. We also had a camel. But camel had no milk.  I was riding on the journey to Makkah with great difficulties. This journey came to end and when this caravan reached Makkah, and the woman who saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) heard that she was an orphan. Hence, no woman was ready to take you because the baby Being an orphan, was not expected to receive more rewards.

On the other hand, the star of Hazrat Halima Saadia (RA) was higher more than the moon. I should go back empty-handed, that I should take this orphan. The husband agreed it. He brought Hazrat Halima (RA) with the orphan, from which only Hazrat Halima and Hazrat Amina were about to shine not only in the House of Allah Almighty but in the east and west of the universe. With the Holy Spirit's great grace, the fate of Hazrat Halima (RA) awakened, and the server of the universe came to his senses. When they were breastfeeding in their tent, the appearance of blessings began like rain, and see the glory of God that the blessed breastfeeding of Hazrat Halima (may Allah be pleased with him) became so milking that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his brother also drank milk, and both fell asleep. And when he saw the camel, his udder was filled with milk. The husband of Hazrat Halima (may Allah be pleased with him) gave her milk. And both the spouses drank milk, and both of them were shocked to sleep and sleep all night. Gone and said, "Halima!" You have brought a delighted baby. Hazrat Halima (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "I hope that this is a very blessed child and we have met us as a mercy of God, and I expect that our house will be filled with goodwill." Halima (may Allah have mercy on him) said that after this, we took the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to his village with Makkah on his lap. So my same mule now began to move so fast that no one's ride could reach it, The caravan women were surprised and told me, 'O Halima! Is Allah Almighty? However, we arrived at our House. There was a severe famine. All the animals were in milk, but as I stepped into my House, I filled my goats with milk. Now daily, my goats return home from the pasture. While the whole town and no one got a drop of milk in the whole town, my tribes said to their shepherds, "You also steal your animals in the place where the animals of Halima Razi Allah Almighty graze." - So everyone started stealing their cattle in the past where my goats were grazing. Still, there was no action in the pasture and the forest. It was the blessing of the blessings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). No one could understand my nation except my husband.

In the same way, at every step, we continued to observe the blessings of the Holy Prophet until two years were over, and I sprayed holy prophet milk. The fitness and development of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were so good to other children that you became known to be very good in two years. He brought it to his mother and rewarded us with the reward. To strengthen the success of our world and the Hereafter and strengthen the power of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

When the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born, Allah Almighty created you as a pure body and sweet smell, fragrant, sharp brain, face light, eyes bright. On the birth of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Allah Almighty appeared a bright cloud on your mother, which contained the sounds of horses with light and birds flying and some human bids. And announced that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) should also visit the East and West and the Seas so that all the universe could know their name and their attributes, and they were all living creatures, namely the angels and the angels. Present to the birds and enjoy the morality of all the prophets. After that, the clouds came closer. The preacher declared that wow, wow, what was the best Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) occupied the whole world. And there was nothing left of the universe that was not in power and dominance, and then three people appeared to be silver ewer in one hand and the green emerald in the hands of other. The ring was washed seven times and prophesied between the two springs of the Holy Prophet. Then you were wrapped in a silk cloth and handed over to your mother.

At the time of the birth of Sharif, revealed strange things were from the unseen. From the light of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the low land and hills of the Haram Sharif were illuminated, and with you, a light came out that the palaces of Syria were visible and the heavens. But first, the devils used to go and informed the priests of some confusion, and they used to convey some of them to the people, but with the arrival of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), their coming to the heavens stopped. Protected heavens from Shahab Saqib, so the fear of being wrong in such revelation and non -revelation continued to be attached. The palace exploded in the city of Madinah, and Persian firefighters fell so cold that everyone tried to burn the fire, but it did not burn. The plan, which was completely dry between Hamdan and Qom, was the valley  between Shaam and Kufa, which was completely dry.


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