World Teacher's Day

World Teacher's Day

Every year, Teacher's day celebrates on October 5 worldwide, which began in 1954, after which 1994 was announced for the first time to celebrate the day of teachers globally. In these countries, this day is celebrated with great enthusiasm to pay tribute to the teachers. Like the rest of the days, this day is essential because the Teacher is a spiritual parent in society. Parents have been equal to the level of a parent. If a parent in the world can train a child, then he is indeed a teacher. In no society in the world is a philosopher's denial of respect and respect for the intellectual Teacher. Since it is impossible to get knowledge without a teacher, it is seen everywhere with care and respect. This day, when teachers are the day to recognize the value of the Holy Prophet, is the day to consider for the teachers whether they are performing their duties well. They are guiding their students in the right direction. They are doing services only as a duty.

No nation or society can develop without knowledge; acquiring knowledge is impossible without teachers. The role of teachers is fundamental in the construction of humanity. Teachers have served the essential duty of refining the youth's character, tackling future challenges, and their role-making. Through his knowledge, the teachers taught the skill of illuminating the intellect. With their hard work, the youth have come to the researcher, doctors, engineers, scientists, politicians, and various fields of life. Teachers have acquainted man with the Lord, promoting humanity in the world, promoting peace and brotherhood, and the light of knowledge has eliminated the darkness of ignorance. The candles of expertise have come to light.

Teaching is undoubtedly a profession that has a prominent place not only in Islam but in every religion and society in the world. But it is a universal fact that worldly knowledge has never highlighted the actual value of the Teacher in the same way that Islam has made human beings aware of the high position and status of the Teacher.

Islam has given a lot of respect to the Teacher. Allah Almighty has described the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as a teacher of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "I have been sent as a teacher." Also, there was a specialist and educator of art, such as Adam was the first in agriculture and industry in the world, and the knowledge of writing the word was first invented by Hazrat Idrees (peace be upon him). Islam introduced the ability to make things from wood, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) founded the knowledge, and Joseph founded the basis of knowledge.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) described the teaching of the Qur'an as the best person in human beings. This shows that the Teacher in Islam's position is very high. Islam has given the Teacher the status of a spiritual father as a teacher. Hazrat Ali (RA) says that the Teacher's greatness says, "Whoever told me a letter, I am his slave, whether he can sell, liberate me or make a slave."

Training students for a teacher, showing them the right way, familiar with the ups and downs of life, teaching the problem to deal with, encouraging them to move forward, and creating skills for economic and economic development. As a teacher is an essential duty. And not only the students but also the parents, relatives, and above all, are looking at the teachers with the hope that they will increase their role in social and national values.

Of course, the teachers' hard work changes the nation's destiny. One aspect of our society is that teachers kept here for teaching in educational institutions exploited by professional and economic losses instead of paying for teachers, collecting children from homes instead of paying duty. Children lose the real benefits of education by taking their cards, making children's parents on brick kilns, making their cards on brick kilns, and then being responsible for these situations. Teachers are humiliated by putting retaliation against teachers and taking reprisals against them.

Officers are given indifference to teachers by education; teachers' slaughtered increments based on non-standard results of the non-standard examination of the Examination Commission in Punjab. Teachers need to stop retaliation against the PEDA Act against them to continue the teaching process so that teachers can better teach their teaching services.


A Blog and Content writer

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