The main causes of breast cancer and its Treatment

The main causes of breast cancer and its Treatment

 The body's muscles are made up of small cells, which begin to grow sarcastically and make a gland, so the disease becomes cancer. The breast-made gland (Breast Lumps) is called polycystic or fibro cystic. It can also grow in size and spread its roots in the breast. This may result in a change in breast discomfort and structure. According to the nature of the patient and the disease, these symptoms may also differ.

Inside the breast, outside or down, the wound sometimes forms cancer. The complaint can complain in 25 % of women at any stage of life, but the good thing is that many such glands do not cause cancer and are often non-harmful. But in the presence of these glands, the risk of breast cancer increases. Breast cancer is usually in women, but there are risks in men, but such cases are sporadic. It does not infect cancer and does not move to others, so there is no problem with breast cancer or any other type of cancer-affected patient, nor should there be any discrimination against the affected patient in this regard.

The causes of breast cancer

Some of the basics mentioned below are caused by breast cancer.

٭ Hormones in women are one of the causes of breast cancer.

٭ Estrogen hormone abuse in the body is dangerous.

٭ Girls' delayed marriage or childbirth at the age. However, mother who breastfeed their children are reduced by 4 % from breast cancer.

About 10 % of breast cancer is due to genetic defects. Women with these defects have an 80 % chance of the disease.

٭ Women's unhealthy lifestyle and an unbalanced diet.

How is it possible to rescue?

The skin diagnosis of breast cancer is the source of the disease and treatment, but this is possible only when essential awareness of the disease. Therefore, women must know about the diagnostic process themselves. They should first examine themselves at home and immediately consult a doctor if there is any unusual change in the breast. If breast cancer is soon detected and proper diagnosis and treatment are available, there is a strong possibility that it will cure the disease. In case of delay, the treatment is often not the treatment option; in such l carcasses, the patient is given medication to reduce the severity of the discomfort. It should be kept in mind that the screening test for breast cancer starts at the age of 40, but can the disease can be avoided through annual mammography and timely diagnosis. The more aware of this deadly disease in old society, it is possible that the disease and death rates from this disease may decrease.


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