Quaid -e -Millat Sir Liaquat Ali Khan

Quaid -e -Millat Sir Liaquat Ali Khan

 Among the great personalities who played a key role in the establishment of Pakistan, There are many names  after Hazrat Quaid -e -Azam, but very important name is sir Liaquat Ali Khan. - By the way, the names of Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar, Raja Sahib Mehmoodabad, Nawab Saleemullah Khan, Maulvi AK Fazalul Haq and many others are also in front of us, but the role of Liaquat Ali Khan is the most prominent in all of them.

Born in Karnal (India) on October 1, 1895, Liaquat Ali Khan belonged to a baronial family. He first studied at Aligarh Muslim University and later went to Oxford University. He was also a lawyer and a politician, he was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. He remained in the cabinet from 1947 to 1951. And take over the ministries of the border areas. Earlier, he served as the first finance minister in the transitional government of Governor General Mountbatten. He was a leader of a democrat and ideological politics. He increased parliamentary traditions in India. Before joining the All India Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan was invited to join the Congress. He preferred to join the Muslim League, who was currently protesting injustice against Muslims in India and effectively advocating for their rights. Prior to partition India, he served as finance minister in the transitional government under the British government. He supported Quaid -e -Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for the establishment of a separate state for Muslims. He became the first Prime Minister of Pakistan on his ability. Although the main point of his foreign policy was neutral movement, He closed to the United States and the West. He faced political disturbances. but also did not succeed. Despite these conspiracies, after the death of Hazrat Quaid -e -Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, his influence increased.

Liaquat Ali Khan belonged to a very rich family. His family had 300 villages, in which included 60 Karnal villages. His parents Nawab Rustam Ali Khan and mother Mahmuda Begum were burried their family premises, located outside the Karnal. This state is in Haryana. Liaquat Ali Khan's former personal residence was located in Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh). His mother, Mahmuda Begum, arranged for his son to teach the Quran and Sunnah for his son before going to school. His family respected Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. This was the reason for sending Liaquat Ali Khan to Aligarh Muslim University. He got degrees in law and political science. In 1918, he was married to his cousin Jahangira Begum. In 1932, After that Liaquat Ali Khan married prominent economists madrassas Rana. Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan also played a vital role in Pakistan movement. After the death of his father in 1919, Liaquat Ali Khan went to Oxford University for higher education. There he received an MA degree in the law. During graduation, he participated in the activities of the students. He was elected the honorary treasurer of the Majlis Society. In 1922, a practice as a lawyer of English law began as a lawyer

In 1923, Liaquat Ali Khan returned to India with his commitment to end the injustice and oppression of Indian Muslims and began to participate in national politics. Initially, he supporter by the United India and Indian nationalism was involved in his philosophy. The Congress also contacted them, but after a meeting with Jawaharlal Nehru, political views changed drastically. He decided not to join the Congress and join the All India Muslim League. Hazrat Quaid -e -Azam was a lawyer like him. In May 1924, Hazrat Quaid -e -Azam called an annual meeting in Lahore, where the objectives, programs and stability of the Muslim League were discussed. Liaquat Ali Khan was involved in the conference. He recommended new objectives for the party. Soon he was counted among the prominent leaders of the Muslim League. He was also involved in the delegation attending the National Convention held in Calcutta of the Muslim League. Hazrat Quaid -e -Azam declared Liaquat Ali Khan his right arm at Karachi Railway Station in 1943 and said, "Khan Liaquat Ali Khan performed his duties day and night. Although he is SIR,but he work like ordinary people. I would also advise other nawabs to learn from them. "

In the 1945-46 elections, Liaquat Ali Khan contested from the Meerut and succeeded him. He was also elected chairman of the Muslim League's central parliamentary board. The Muslim League won 87 % of the seats allotted for Muslims. Liaquat Ali Khan supported Hazrat Quaid -e -Azam in talks with cabinet mission members. Liaquat Ali Khan took oath on August 15, 1947 as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. When he was made the Prime Minister, he faced many challenges, but with his abilities , he took his country  on the way of development. 

On October 16, 1951, he was shot dead during a rally in Committee Bagh Rawalpindi. Police also immediately shot the killer, named Syed Akbar Babrak and belonged to the Zorran tribe of Afghanistan. The murder of Liaquat Ali Khan is still a case today.  It is a fact that the martyr of Liaquat Ali Khan was not a minor incident but a deep conspiracy. There were a few people who wanted the ministries at that time.  An honest police officer, was officially investigating the IG Special Police. He worked hard and dedicated. He often used to tell his friends that death is coming to him. One of the statement to a newspaper reporter, he said that the conspiracy has been traced, it will be exposed very soon. But unfortunately, the aircraft in which the trial files were traveling were burned near Jhelum. He was going to Rawalpindi with files from Lahore that the accident happened. Be aware that the time bomb was placed on the ship.

The life of martyr Liaquat Ali Khan is a lesson. They had no desire for wealth. It is said that his bank balance was only Rs 32 at the time of martyrdom. They continued to serve the nation and the country without wishing for a lifetime, which is the lesson for us so that we do not go away from reality. He remained steadfast even in tough and difficult times. He never compromised on principles. He made sincerity, honesty and affection. Khan Liaquat Ali Khan is not among us today, but his affection, his thoughts and courage still guide us. Liaquat Ali Khan once addressed the students: "Pakistan should make a proudful country that can send a message of good hope to the disturbed world. Students do not get involved in irrelevant things because the better future of the nation and the country is related to them. East Pakistan must join in defense with West Pakistan. 

On November 29, 1948, he said, "We should establish a state in which the law of Allah is enforced, where the principles of democracy are flourished, equality, social justice, which is mentioned in Islam." A state where Muslims can adapt their lives individually and collectively in accordance with the principles stated in the Quran. Where religious freedom is available for minorities, can easily promote your culture. 

In the current situation, there is need to follow the personality of the Quaid -e -Azam and our political leaders should keep in mind their political views at every moment.


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