The main causes & effects of "SMOG"and how to control it

 The main causes & effects

 of "SMOG"and how to control it

Smog is actually the name of air pollution, which includes both smoke and fog. For the first time, Dr. Henry Antony used fog and smoke in one of his research paper, but the world became aware of the word when  deeply smog that caused more than 4,000 deaths in London in 1950. After this  incident, the British government imposed a "clean airact" in London in 1956, that became very successful and made The  atmosphere clear. Coal burning causes  of smoke from factories. This smoke joins the atmosphere and causes air pollution. Most countries of the world, including Pakistan, India and China, face many problems with coal -fired smoke. Transport smoke and chemicals are also a source of increase in smog.

According to the World Health Organization, 70 million people die annually in the world due to air pollution. 91 % of the world's population lives in places where the air quality exceeds the limits of the World Health Organization. Last year, the city of Lahore, was the most polluted city in the world because of air quality and pollution, while the US city Detroit was declared the clean city. Before 2021, Pakistan was ranked second number in the world's most polluted countries, while last year. In 2021, Pakistan was ranked third among the world's most polluted countries.

According to the air quality, Mianwali is the first, Faisalabad second, Lahore third, Peshawar fourth and Karachi fifth in the most polluted cities of Pakistan in October this year. According to research data on air pollution in countries around the world in 2021, environmental pollution could reduce the lives of Pakistani citizens by up to nine months.

Over the past few years, We face an important issue like air pollution in Pakistan, air pollution has increased . This new disaster has created many problems in  the citizens life . With the arrival of winter, smog becomes a harassment in Pakistan, including Lahore.

In Pakistan, especially in Punjab, the role of transport is 43 %, 25 % of industries and 20 % of agriculture. That is, smog is not a conspiracy. The reasons for this is the smoke of vehicles, poor quality fuel, weak transport engines, industrial pollution, municipal and industrial waste burning, especially in, rubber, tires and mobil oil burning. Coal and oil -powered plants also contribute to all of this and cause smog to increase.

In the most polluted countries, Pakistan is third, but if the population is reviewed, Pakistan is the top two countries, In terms of population, Pakistan is more effected by smog more than these two countries in Pakistan as the population of Pakistan has exceeded 22 million. Lahore, which was called the city of gardens in the past. The quality level is constantly becoming low. With the growing population of Lahore, the increase in the number of vehicles on the roads and traffic jams is also playing its role in environmental pollution.

The effects of smog on human health

Smog can be very dangerous to the human body. Effected people may suffer from breathing difficulties, such as asthma, irritation in the throat, fever, cough and lung infections. Smog affects the heart and lungs as well as mental capacity. The slight increase in pollution increases the risk of dementia. According to experts, increase of the pollution in atmosphere increases the risk of dementia. Smog is extremely dangerous for patients with heart disease and lung disease such as asthma or bronchitis. Due to the deep smog, sunlight does not reach the earth, which causes vitamin D deficiency in many humans and such people suffer from bone diseases. Particularly in people with bones crooked, causing bone vitamin D deficiency to soften. Smog also causes nasal and eyes to nose and throat. 

Protect from Smog

Experts says children should be safe during the smog season. Experts believe that smog can adversely affect children playing outside in smog. In such a climate, breathing in the open air  is equal to smoking thirty cigarettes. The use of a mask and avoiding unnecessary entertainment activities is essential to prevent smog. Vacuum air cleaner should be used, so that the atmosphere of the house is free from pollution.

Smog contains air pollution. The smoke caused by cars and whip burns increases the amount of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the climate, which turns these particles into solid and liquid form as soon as the sun rays. Due to the low wind speed, these particles produce a very dangerous polluted atmosphere, called smog. As the winter arrives, the humidity in the air also increases as the temperature is low, due to this low temperature, the aquatic particles in the air begin to form, which causes smog.

Steps to control smog

 Highlight the importance of public transport.
• Plastic bags should be imposed on full banned`.
• Forest cutting and burning are banned.
• Ensure the use of filters to reduce the effect of toxic smoke from factories.
• Reduce the use of chemicals for making goods.
• To avoid the risk of smog, it is necessary to plant more trees.
• Promotes vehicles that run with electricity or hybrid instead of traditional fuel.


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